LUIGI Brugnano , D Trigiante
World Scientific Series in Applicable Analysis 2 71 -83
Luigi Brugnano , Pierluigi Amodio
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 10 ( 4)
Felice Iavernaro , Luigi Brugnano , Pierluigi Amodio
Advances in Computational Mathematics 41 ( 4) 881 -905
Felice Iavernaro , Luigi Brugnano
Felice Iavernaro , Luis Rández , Juan I. Montijano , Luigi Brugnano
Numerical Algorithms 81 ( 4) 1183 -1202
Felice Iavernaro , Luigi Brugnano , Gianluca Frasca-Caccia
arXiv: Numerical Analysis
Felice Iavernaro , Luigi Brugnano , Paolo Zanzottera
Mathematical Methods in The Applied Sciences 44 ( 6) 4414 -4427
Yaroslav D. Sergeyev , Luigi Brugnano , Dmitry E. Kvasov
Applied Mathematics and Computation 126023
Yaroslav D. Sergeyev , Anatoly Zhigljavsky , Luigi Brugnano
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 393 113545
Pierluigi Amodio , Luigi Brugnano
Advances in Computational Mathematics 7 ( 1) 5 -26
Pierluigi Amodio , Luigi Brugnano
parallel computing 21 ( 7) 1097 -1110
Luigi Brugnano , Cecilia Magherini
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 205 ( 2) 777 -790
Luigi Brugnano , Cecilia Magherini , Filippo Mugnai
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 189 ( 1) 34 -50
Luigi Brugnano , Felice Iavernaro , Donato Trigiante
Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 ( 16) 8056 -8063
Luigi Brugnano , Felice Iavernaro
Axioms 7 ( 2) 36
Luigi Brugnano , Felice Iavernaro
Axioms 8 ( 1) 16
Luigi Brugnano , Yaroslav D.Sergeyev , Anatoly A.Zhigljavsky
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 21 ( 1) 1 -2
Luigi Brugnano , Chengjian Zhang , Dongfang Li
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 60 33 -49
Luigi Brugnano , Cecilia Magherini
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 164 ( 1) 145 -158
Yongtao Zhou , Chengjian Zhang , Luigi Brugnano
Computers & Mathematics With Applications 80 ( 1) 31 -42