Joint arthroplasty Perioperative Surgical Home: Impact of patient characteristics on postoperative outcomes.

Duy L Phan , Kyle Ahn , Joseph B Rinehart , Michael-David Calderon
World journal of orthopedics 7 ( 6) 376 -382

Clinical knowledge and reasoning abilities of AI large language models in anesthesiology: A comparative study on the ABA exam

Mirana C Angel , Joseph B Rinehart , Maxime P Canneson , Pierre Baldi
medRxiv 2023.05. 10.23289805 -2023.05. 10.23289805

Assessment of Postoperative Outcomes in Relation to Pleth Variability Index (PVI) Based Goal-Directed Therapy

Jaqueline Yang , Christopher P Foglesong , Cecilia Canales , Joseph B Rinehart

Restrictive Versus Closed-loop Assisted Goal-Directed Fluid Therapy Without Baseline Infusion in Moderate Risk Abdominal Surgery

Alexandre P Joosten , Alexandra Colesnicenco , Shalini Raj Lawrence , Sean Coeckelenbergh

Closed-loop Vasopressor Infusion Controller: Robustness Against Population Pharmacodynamic Variability

Joseph B Rinehart , Alexandre P Joosten , Michael Ma , Michael-David Calderon

Predictive Value of Smaller Boluses for Stroke Volume Response to 500ml Fluid Bolus

Joseph B Rinehart , Brian Hipszer , Feras Hatib , Maxime Cannesson

Performance Measures of a Novel Controller for Automated Titration of Vasopressor Infusion

Michael Ma , Michael-David Calderon , Maxime Cannesson , Joseph B Rinehart

Adaptive Intensive-Care Blood Pressure Management Using a Novel Controller for Vasopressor Infusion

Joseph B Rinehart , Christine K Lee , Esther Banh , Maxime Cannesson

Goal-Directed Fluid Therapy Using Closed-Loop Assistance in Hepatobiliary Surgical Patients

Joseph B Rinehart , Marc Lilot , Alexandre P Joosten , Trish Huynh