Erika M. Chin , Eric K. Garcia , Maya R. Gupta
international conference on image processing 2 161 -164
Alexander Moshchuk , Adrienne Porter Felt , Helen J. Wang , Erika Chin
usenix security symposium 22 -22
Erika Chin , Adrienne Porter Felt , Kate Greenwood , David Wagner
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services - MobiSys '11 239 -252
Maya R. Gupta , Eric K. Garcia , Erika Chin
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17 ( 6) 936 -945
Adrienne Porter Felt , Matthew Finifter , Erika Chin , Steve Hanna
Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Security and privacy in smartphones and mobile devices - SPSM '11 3 -14
Adrienne Porter Felt , Erika Chin , Steve Hanna , Dawn Song
Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Computer and communications security - CCS '11 627 -638
Erika Chin , David Wagner
secure web services 3 -12
David Kantola , Erika Chin , Warren He , David Wagner
Proceedings of the second ACM workshop on Security and privacy in smartphones and mobile devices - SPSM '12 69 -80
Erika Chin , Adrienne Porter Felt , Vyas Sekar , David Wagner
symposium on usable privacy and security 1
Adrienne Porter Felt , Elizabeth Ha , Serge Egelman , Ariel Haney
symposium on usable privacy and security 3
Carmelo Kintana , David Turner , Jia-Yu Pan , Ahmed Metwally
International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
Andrew Bortz , Erika Chin , Neil Daswani , Carmelo Kintana
14th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security-ESORICS 523 -538
Erika Chin , David Wagner
Information Security Applications: 14th International Workshop, WISA 2013, Jeju Island, Korea, August 19-21, 2013, Revised Selected Papers 14 138 -159
Erika Chin , Adrienne Felt , Kate Greenwood , David Wagner
Adrienne Porter Felt , Elizabeth Ha , Serge Egelman , Ariel Haney
Technical report, and behavior. Tech. Rep. UCBIEECS-2012-26
D Zhu , Erika Chin
University of Berkeley,[online], http://radlab. cs. berkeley. edu/w/upload/3/3d/Detecting_VM_Aware_Malware. pdf
Erika Michelle Chin
University of California, Berkeley