R Gouriveau , M Hilairet , D Hissel , S Jemei
Proc. IEEE Conf. Prognostics Health Manage 1 -6
R Gouriveau , M Hilairet , D Hissel , S Jemei
winners (Tech. Rep.). IEEE 2014 PHM Challenge
Élodie Lechartier
Elodie Lechartier , Elie Laffly , Marie-Cécile Péra , Rafael Gouriveau
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 ( 26) 8384 -8397
Elodie Lechartier , Rafael Gouriveau , Marie-Cecile Pera , Daniel Hissel
vehicle power and propulsion conference 1 -5
Elodie Lechartier , Rafael Gouriveau , Marie-Cecile Pera , Daniel Hissel
ieee conference on prognostics and health management 1 -7
Federico Zenith , Johannes Tjonnas , Ivar J Halvorsen , Angelo Esposito
Elodie Lechartier , Rafael Gouriveau , Marie-Cécile Péra , Daniel Hissel
International Discussion on Hydrogen Energy and Application, IDHEA'2014. 1 -7