Gangadharan , Swami
information technology interfaces 139 -144
Lalit Mohan Sanagavarapu , Gangadharan G.R. , Raghu Reddy Y.
International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing archive 8 ( 4) 72 -87
Deepnarayan Tiwari , Gangadharan Ramakrishnan Gangadharan
GSVR Krishna Rao , Gangadharan , Vemula Gangadharan Ramakrishnan , Dinesh Reddy
IEEE software 28 ( 2) 48 -55
Stefano De Paoli , GR Gangadharan , Aphra Kerr , Vincenzo D'Andrea
10 ( 8)
Hong-Linh Truong , GR Gangadharan , Marco Comerio , Vincenzo D’Andrea
IGI Global 298 -321
GR Gangadharan , Marco Comerio , Hong-Linh Truong , Vincenzo D’Andrea
Service-Oriented Computing–ICSOC 2008: 6th International Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 1-5, 2008. Proceedings 6 607 -613
Gopal N Rai , GR Gangadharan , Vineet Padmanabhan , Rajkumar Buyya
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 14 ( 1) 300 -314
Michael Weiss , GR Gangadharan
R&d Management 40 ( 1) 40 -49
GR Gangadharan , Michael Weiss , Vincenzo D’Andrea , Renato Iannella
6th International Workshop for Technical, Economic and Legal Aspects of Business Models for Virtual Goods incorporating the 4th International ODRL Workshop
V Dinesh Reddy , GR Gangadharan , GSVRK Rao , Marco Aiello
Machine learning for intelligent decision science 71 -92
CI Johnpaul , Munaga VNK Prasad , S Nickolas , GR Gangadharan
Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering: Select Proceedings of AIDE 2019 857 -872
GR Gangadharan , Vincenzo D’Andrea
Service-Oriented Computing–ICSOC 2006: 4th International Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, December 4-7, 2006. Proceedings 4 365 -377
Vincenzo D’Andrea , GR Gangadharan
Proceedings of the IEEE Web Services Based Systems and Applications (ICIW’06), Guadeloupe, French Caribbean 142 -147
GR Gangadharan , Vincenzo D'Andrea
J. Int'l Com. L. & Tech. 4 1 -1
Soudip RoyChowdhury , GR Gangadharan , Patricia Silveira , Vincenzo D’Andrea
Proceedings of the 8th international workshop for technical, economic and legal aspects of business models for virtual goods
Stefano De Paoli , GR Gangadharan , Aphra Kerr , Vincenzo d'Andrea
tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society 9 ( 2) 702 -714
Manoranjan Gandhudi , GR Gangadharan , PJA Alphonse , Vasanth Velayudham
Information Processing & Management 60 ( 5) 103473 -103473
Manoranjan Gandhudi , PJA Alphonse , Ugo Fiore , GR Gangadharan
Computers and Electrical Engineering 118 109302 -109302