S. Effati , H. Roohparvar
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 24 ( 1-2) 399 -409
S. Effati , H. Roohparvar
Applied Mathematics and Computation 175 ( 1) 247 -257
S. Effati , H. Roohparvar
Applied Mathematics and Computation 175 ( 2) 1415 -1431
S. Effati , M. Janfada , M. Esmaeili , H. Roohparvar
Applied Mathematics and Computation 181 ( 2) 1505 -1512
H Rouhparvar
T Allahviranloo , A Panahi , H Rouhparvar
An. St. Univ. Ovidius Constanta 17 5 -14
A Panahi , T Allahviranloo , H Rouhparvar ,
ROMAI J 4 ( 1) 207 -214
H Rouhparvar
Theory of Approximation and Applications 10 ( 2) 61 -73
H Rouhparvar
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 37 ( 1)
H Rouhparvar
Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics 12 ( 3) 335 -350
H Rouhparvar
Theory of Approximation and Applications 10 ( 1) 109 -120
H Rouhparvar , Theodore E Simos , George Psihoyios , Ch Tsitouras
AIP Conference Proceedings-American Institute of Physics 1389 ( 1) 1706 -1706
H Rouhparvar , S Abbasbandy , T Allahviranloo ,
Mathematical & Computational Applications 15 ( 3) 404 -419
Hamid Rouhparvar
Iranian Journal of Optimization 7 ( 2) 823 -829
Hamid Rouhparvar , Tofigh Allahviranloo , Saeid Abbasbandy ,
ROMAI J 5 ( 2) 153 -161
Hamid Rouhparvar , Abdorreza Panahi , A Noorafkan Zanjani
Aust J Basic Appl Sci 5 ( 6) 258 -265
Hamid Rouhparvar , Saeid Abbasbandy , Tofigh Allahviranloo ,
J. Am. Sci 7 338 -345
Hamid Rouhparvar , Saeid Abbasbandy
Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST) 11 ( 11) 987 -998
Hamid Rouhparvar
Eurasian Mathematical Journal 14 ( 1) 71 -80
Hamid Rouhparvar
Iranian Journal of Optimization 5 ( 2) 823 -823