Eric C. Tate , David R. Maidment , Francisco Olivera , David J. Anderson
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 7 ( 2) 100 -108
Eric C Tate
University of South Carolina
Eric Tate , David Maidment , Francisco Olivera
University of Texas at Austin. Center for Transportation Research
Lisa Schulte-Moore , John Tyndall , Liz Christiansen , Ingrid Gronstal Anderson
Todd Norton , Eric Tate , Melinda Weathers , Ashley Coles
Gestión y Ambiente 14 ( 2) 45 -57
Christopher Emrich , Eric Tate
Eos 102
Eric Tate , Md Asif Rahman , Christopher T. Emrich , Christopher C. Sampson
Natural Hazards 106 ( 1) 435 -457
Eric Tate
Natural Hazards 63 ( 2) 325 -347
Samuel Rufat , Eric Tate , Christopher G. Burton , Abu Sayeed Maroof
International journal of disaster risk reduction 14 470 -486
Samuel Brody , Oronde Drakes , Eric Tate , Jayton Rainey
International journal of disaster risk reduction 53 102010
Patrick Bitterman , Eric Tate , Kimberly J. Van Meter , Nandita B. Basu
Applied Geography 76 75 -84
David Courard-Hauri , Gene Takle , Ulrike Passe , Mahdi Al-Kaisi
University of Iowa
Christopher T. Emrich , Eric Tate , Sarah E. Larson , Yao Zhou
Environmental Hazards 19 ( 3) 228 -250
Eric Tate , Susan L Cutter , Melissa Berry
Environment and Planning B-planning & Design 37 ( 4) 646 -663
Margaret Carrel , Sean Young , Eric Tate
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13 ( 9) 849
Cristina Muñoz , Eric Tate
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13 ( 5) 507
Christopher T. Emrich , Federico Antolini , Samuel Rufat , Eric Tate
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 109 ( 4) 1131 -1153
Kimberly J. Van Meter , Nandita B. Basu , Eric Tate , Joseph Wyckoff
Environmental Science & Technology 48 ( 8) 4217 -4225
Eric Tate
Annals of The Association of American Geographers 103 ( 3) 526 -543
Susan L. Cutter , Lindsey Barnes , Melissa Berry , Christopher Burton
Global Environmental Change 18 ( 4) 598 -606