Rx-CADRE (Prescribed Fire Combustion-Atmospheric Dynamics Research Experiments) collaborative research in the core fire sciences

C. Clements , B. Butler , M. Dickinson , R. Kremens
In: Masters, R. E.; Galley, K. E. M.; Despain, D. G., eds. The '88 Fires: Yellowstone and Beyond: Conference Proceedings; 2008 September 22-27; Jackson Hole, WY. Tall Timbers Miscellaneous Publications No. 16. Tallahassee, FL: Tall Timbers Research Station: 29. Online: http://www.nps.gov/yell/naturescience/upload/'88fires.pdf 29

Chapter 19 : Southeast. Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: The Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II

Lynne M. Carter , Adam Terando , Kirstin Dow , Kevin Hiers
U.S. Global Change Research Program

Is fire “for the birds”? How two rare species influence fire management across the US

Scott L Stephens , Leda N Kobziar , Brandon M Collins , Raymond Davis
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17 ( 7) 391 -399

Old forests and endangered woodpeckers: old-growth in the Southern Coastal Plain

Robert Mitchell , Todd Engstrom , Rebecca R. Sharitz , Diane De Steven
Natural Areas Journal 29 ( 3) 301 -310

Legacies of Past Land Use on the Southern Cumberland Plateau

Ken Smith , Lily Tidwell , Sarah Sherwood , Scott Pokswinski
Natural Areas Journal 39 ( 2) 264 -274

TrueTrees: A Scalable Workflow for the Integration of Airborne LiDAR Scanning Data into Fuel Models for Prescribed Fire Simulations

Daniel Roten , Lucas Wells , Daniel Crawl , Russell A Parsons
2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science) 1 -10

Estimating Surface Fuel Density from TLS and ALS: A Two-Tiered Approach that Accounts for Sampling Scale

Andrew Hudak , Benjamin Bright , Eric Rowell , Kevin Robertson
Proceedings of the SilviLaser Conference, Vienna, Austria 28 -30

Simulating Prescribed Fire and Ecosystem Response under a Changing Climate

Adam L Atchley , Rutuja Chitra-Tarak , Rod Linn , Alexandra Jonko
102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting

SERDP Project RC19-1329

Eric Rowell , Kevin Hiers , Louise Loudermilk , Scott Goodrick

Conserving pollinators in the longleaf pine ecosystem

Michael D Ulyshen , Kevin Hiers , Scott Pokswinski , Kevin Robertson
Entomology 2019

Can wildfire accelerate mesophication following long periods of fire exclusion in Appalachian forests?

Joseph O'Brien , Nina Wurzburger , Kevin Hiers , Dana Carpenter
79th Annual Meeting of ASB

Simulating Hydrology’s Role in Fire Behavior

Adam Atchley , Louise Loudermilk , Elizabeth Kleynhans , Sean Michaletz
Enhancing Landscapes for Sustainable Intensification and Watershed Resiliency 144 -144

Prescribed burning improves nesting habitat for ground-nesting bees in southeastern pine forests

Michael D Ulyshen , Audrey Wilson , Gunnar Ohlson , Scott Pokswinski
2021 Virtual Eastern, Southeastern, Pacific, North Central, and Southwestern Branch Meetings

Seasonal Comparison of Observed Water Vapor Enhancement in Prescribed Fire Smoke Plumes

C. M. Kiefer , S. J. Strenfel , J. K. Hiers , C. B. Clements
AGUFM 2009