Shoulder proprioception in chronic neck pain : associations with symptoms and self-rated characteristics

Mats Djupsjöbacka , Jonas Sandlund , Martin Björklund , Ulrik Röijezon

Acuity of goal-directed reaching movements to visible targets in chronic neck disorders

Mats Djupsjöbacka , Jonas Sandlund , Martin Björklund , Ulrik Röijezon

A novel method of neck coordination exercise : effects on sensorimotor functions and self reported health and functioning

Mats Djupsjöbacka , Martin Björklund , Ulrik Röijezon
International Congress of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Vancouver, Canada 2007

Health survey of orchestra musicians - a pilot study on jazz musicians in a big band

Joakim Söderena , Dennis Nyqvist , Ulrik Röijezon
Musicians´Health & Performance : 1st Nordic Conference 2013. 13/06/2013 - 14/06/2013 24

Prevalence, intensity, and playing related consequences of musculoskeletal pain, and associations with mood among professional orchestra musicians – a pilot study

Dag Rissén , Annchristine Fjellman-Wiklund , Ulrik Röijezon
2nd Conference on Musician's Health and Performance (MHPC2015), Odense, Denmark, 10-12 June 2015

The slow and fast components of postural sway in chronic neck pain disorders

Thomas Rudolfsson , Mats Djupsjöbacka , Martin Björklund , Ulrik Röijezon
International World Congress in Physiotherapy : 20/06/2011 - 23/06/2011

Acuity of goal-directed reaching movements in chronic neck pain disorders

Mats Djupsjöbacka , Jonas Sandlund , Martin Björklund , Ulrik Röijezon
International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders : 27/08/2007 - 30/08/2007

Proprioception vid idrott, prevention och rehabilitering

Ulrik Röijezon
Svensk idrottsmedicin 2016 ( 2) 8 -9

Management of the Sensorimotor System : The Cervical Region

Julia Treleaven , Ulrik Röijezon
Elsevier 310 -315

Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Pain and Generalised Joint Hypermobility among Jazz Musicians in Swedish Big Bands

Adam Fransson , Gustaf Thordin , Ulrik Röijezon
Musicians' Health & Performance : 10/06/2015 - 12/06/2015

Projekt: Rörelsekontroll och effektivitet vid flugkastning

Michail Tonkonogi , Anders Henriksson , Stefan Siikavaara , Ulrik Röijezon

Fear, morale, and physical performance, not past falls, mediate fallsefficacy in community dwelling older people

Irene Vikman , Lars Nyberg , Ulrik Röijezon , Mascha Pauelsen
World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-4 July 2017

Motor control alterations in musicians with musculockeletal pain disorders

Birgit Juul-Kristensen , Ulrik Röijezon
Musicians´Health & Performance : 1st Nordic Conference 2013. 13/06/2013 - 14/06/2013 17 -18