Pere Roca Fabregat
Ingeniería y territorio ( 92) 20 -29
Pere Roca Fabregat
Dijous a l'ACE: Associació de Consultors d'Estructures ( 7) 14 -17
Pere Roca Fabregat , Climent Molins
Quaderns Científics i Tècnics de Restauració Monumental 7 85 -93
Albert Casals Balagué , José Luis Gonzalez Moreno Navarro , Pere Roca Fabregat
Quaderns Científics i Tècnics de Restauració Monumental 5 371 -381
Pere Roca Fabregat
Pere Roca Fabregat
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos. Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Pedro Roca Fabregat , Luca Pelà , Miguel Cervera Ruiz
Masonry (11): keynotes and abstracts of papers given at the eight International Masonry Conference, Dresden, 4th to 7th July 2010 217 -226
Pedro Roca Fabregat , Luca Pelà , Anastasios Drougkas
9th International Masonry Conference / July 7, 8, 9 2014 ; Guimarães, Portugal 1 -11
Vicente Alegre Heitzmann , Pedro Roca Fabregat , Anastasios Drougkas , Climent Molins i Borrell
9th International Masonry Conference 1 -7
Vicente Alegre Heitzmann , Pedro Roca Fabregat , Anastasios Drougkas , Climent Molins i Borrell
SAHC2014 – 9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions 1 -8
Alice Peverini , Lucía Garijo Alonso , Pedro Roca Fabregat , Luca Pelà
SAHC2014 – 9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions
Mercè Zazurca , Pedro Roca Fabregat , Luca Pelà , Joan Francesc García
SAHC2014 – 9th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions 1 -12
Pedro Roca Fabregat , Anastasios Drougkas , Climent Molins i Borrell
COMPLAS XII : proceedings of the XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity : fundamentals and applications 919 -928
Pedro Roca Fabregat , Anastasios Drougkas , Climent Molins i Borrell
9th International Masonry Conference 1 -10
Ernest Bernat Masó , Lluís Gil Espert , Pedro Roca Fabregat
CMMoST 2015 3rd International conference on mechanical models in structural engineering: full papers: School of Architecture 24th-26th June 2015, Seville 403 -422
Guido Camata , Enrico Spacone , Rossella Siano , Pedro Roca Fabregat
16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering 16WCEE 2017 1 -11
Jaime Clapes Boixader , Josep Oriol Caselles Magallón , Pedro Roca Fabregat , Ahmed Elyamani
Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry 18 ( 1) 221 -236
Jaime Clapes Boixader , Josep Oriol Caselles Magallón , Pedro Roca Fabregat , Ahmed Elyamani
16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering 1 -12
Jaime Clapes Boixader , Josep Oriol Caselles Magallón , Pedro Roca Fabregat , Ahmed Elyamani
Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry 19 ( 1) 41 -60
Guido Camata , Pedro Roca Fabregat , Luca Pelà , Larisa Garcia Ramonda
SAHC 2020: 12th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions 1 -12