Liam O’Brien , Szeto Wai Yuen
HKIE Transactions 15 ( 4) 2 -10
Liam O’brien , Szeto Wai Yuen
HKIE Transactions 14 ( 4) 47 -55
Szeto Wai Yuen , Muthu Solayappan
HKIE Transactions 16 ( 4) 63 -71
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 9 ( 1) 47 -55
Wai-yuen Szeto , Hong K. Lo
Proceedings of the International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering 95 -102
W Y Szeto , Margaret O’Mahony , Liam O'Brien
Transportation and Traffic Theory 2007. Papers Selected for Presentation at ISTTT17Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Great Britain)Rees Jeffreys Road FundTransport Research FoundationTMS ConsultancyOve Arup and Partners, Hong KongTransportation Planning (International)PTV AG 17 127 -153
W Y Szeto , Hong K Lo
Transportation Research Board 79th Annual Meeting
W Y Szeto , Hong K Lo
Transportation and Traffic Theory. Flow, Dynamics and Human Interaction. 16th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic TheoryUniversity of Maryland, College Park
W Y Szeto , Hong K Lo
Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies. Conference (5th : 2000 : Hong Kong, China). Transportation science and technology in the 21st century : proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies
Vikram Pakrashi , W Y Szeto , Bidisha Ghosh , Anneka R Lawson
European Transport Conference 2012Association for European Transport (AET)Transportation Research Board
N N Sze , W Y Szeto , S C Wong
International Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), 16th, 2011, Hong Kong
W Y Szeto , Hong K Lo
Transportation Research Board 82nd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board
W Y Szeto , Yue Wang
Transportation Research Board 97th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board
W Y Szeto , W H Yang , R C P Wong
Transportation Research Board 97th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board
Reza Zanjirani Farahani , W Y Szeto , Saeed Ghadimi
Journal of the Operational Research Society 66 ( 2) 265 -277
WY Szeto , Yi Wang , Ke Han
Bounded Rational Choice Behaviour: Applications in Transport 163 -187
Xingbin Zhan , WY Szeto , Xiqun Michael Chen
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 159 102615
WY Szeto , Bidisha Ghosh , Biswajit Basu , Margaret O’Mahony
Smpte Journal
Jiancheng Long , Hai Yang , WY Szeto
Transportation Science 56 ( 1) 79 -102