A computational study of thermodynamic properties of M-H-F systems for hydrogen storage applications

P. Ugliengo , E. Pinatel , M.Corno Mcorno , M.Baricco Mbaricco
International Symposium "Metal-Hydrogen Systems. Fundamentals and Applications (MH2010) 149 -149

Electrical resistivity and Young's modulus correlations during structural relaxation in amorphous Fe75TM5B20 (TM=Cr, Mn, Ni)

M.Baricco Mbaricco , G.Koebrugge Gkoebrugge , G.Riontino Griontino , J.Sietsma Jsietsma
Trends in Non-crystalline Solids

Thermodynamics aspects in amorphization: application to Cu-Ti and Al-Ti

M.Baricco Mbaricco , L.Battezzati Lbattezzati
User aspects of Phase Diagrams

Soft nanocrystalline ferromagnetic alloys with improved ductility obtained through dc Joule heating of amorphous ribbons

P. Allia , M. Barricco , M. Knobel , P. Tiberto
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 133 243 -247

Fracture of (Cu50Zr50)100-x-zAlxYz Bulk Metallic Glasses

L. Battezzati , Chiara Pozzi , P. Russo Spena , M. Baricco

Proprietà meccaniche e termofisiche di leghe metalliche amorfe

D. Baldissin , Donato Firrao , L. Battezzati , Giovanni Marco Maria Mortarino

Manufacture and characterization of bulk metallic glasses

C. Antonione , L. Battezzati , M. Petrzhik , M. Baricco
27° Convegno Nazionale AIM 1 21 -24

Leghe a base alluminio : influenza della microstruttura sul comportamento alla corrosione

C. Antonione , Emma Paola Maria Virginia Angelini , M. Baricco , Silvia Maria Spriano
28° Convegno Nazionale AIM 1 863 -871

Magnetic properties of Ga substituted Nd-Fe-B composite

P. Tiberto , E. Ferrara , M. Baricco , F. Vinai
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 291 -292

Effect of crystallisation on mechanical properties of a Zr52.5Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10 bulk metallic glass

R. Doglione , M. Petrzhik , M. Baricco , A. Castellero
22nd Riso International Symposium on Materials Science 199 -204

Sintesi, proprietà meccaniche, applicazioni di leghe amorfe e nanostrutturate.

Giovanni Maizza , Donato Firrao , Livio Battezzati , Giovanni Marco Maria Mortarino
III° Simposio sulle Tecnologie Avanzate

Thermal stability and mechanical properties of Zr52.5Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10 bulk metallic glasses

R. Doglione , M. Petrzhik , M. Baricco , Silvia Maria Spriano
European Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT) 802-1 -802-7

Glass forming ability and mechanical properties of Cu46Zr47Al7 and Cu46Zr42Al7Y5 bulk metallic glasses

Livio Battezzati , M. Baricco , P. Rizzi , Paolo Matteis
International Workshop on Structural and Mechanical Properties of Metallic Glasses (IWMG09)

Surface constitution and electrocatalytic properties of Ni-Zr alloys

C. Antonione , Emma Paola Maria Virginia Angelini , M. Baricco , M. Fabrizio
Ecasia '97 224 -227

Influence of surface oxide layers on the electrocatalytic properties of the Fe65Co15B10Si10 amorphous alloy

C. Antonione , Emma Paola Maria Virginia Angelini , M. Baricco , Francesco Rosalbino
Universita' Studi di Padova e CNR 6 546 -551

Corrosion and electrocatalytic activity of Fe80-xCoxB10Si10 amorphous alloys

C. Antonione , Emma Paola Maria Virginia Angelini , M. Baricco , P. Spinelli
10th European Corrosion Congress 2 1206 -1215

Fracture of Cu46.5Zr46.5Al7 and Cu46.5Zr41.5Al7Y5 bulk metallic glasses

Pasquale Russo Spena , Livio Battezzati , C. Pozzi , M. Baricco
17th European Conference on Fracture 1717 -1724

Breakaway oxidation su acciai inossidabili

M. Baricco , D. Lussana , M. Massazza , L. Miranti
La Metallurgia Italiana ( 1)

Effetto della composizione e dei trattamenti termici sulla resistenza alla corrosione di leghe amorfe a base ferro e cobalto

C. Antonione , F. Zucchi , Emma Paola Maria Virginia Angelini , M. Baricco
Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia 647 -656