Maicon Kist
Maicon Kist , Juergen Rochol , Luiz A. DaSilva , Cristiano Bonato Both
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 1 -6
Matias A. K. Schimuneck , Maicon Kist , Juergen Rochol , Ana Carolina Ribeiro-Teixeira
international conference on communications 1 -6
Joao F Santos , Maicon Kist , Juergen Rochol , Luiz A DaSilva
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 17 ( 4) 2610 -2619
Lucas Bondan , Lucas Fernando Müller , Maicon Kist
Journal of Applied Computing Research 2 ( 2) 68 -74
Lucas Bondan , Marcelo Antonio Marotta , Maicon Kist , Leonardo Roveda Faganello
2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 1 -9
Maicon Kist , João F Santos , Diarmuid Collins , Juergen Rochol
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 1 -1
Marcelo A Marotta , Maicon Kist , Juliano A Wickboldt , Lisandro Z Granville
Journal of Internet Services and Applications 8 ( 1) 1 -13
Maicon Kist , Leonardo Roveda Faganello , Lucas Bondan , Marcelo Antonio Marotta
wireless communications and networking conference 287 -292
Anna Umbert , Oriol Sallent , Jordi Pérez-Romero , Juan Sánchez-González
artificial intelligence applications and innovations 78 -88
Francisco Paisana , Ahmed Selim , Maicon Kist , Pedro Alvarez
ieee international symposium on dynamic spectrum access networks 1 -2
Joao F. Santos , Maicon Kist , Jonathan van de Belt , Juergen Rochol
international conference on communications 1 -6
Marcelo Antonio Marotta , Leonardo Roveda Faganello , Maicon Kist , Lucas Bondan
International Journal of Communication Systems 31 ( 11)
Maicon Kist , Juliano Araújo Wickboldt , Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville , Juergen Rochol
Computer Networks 151 158 -165
Jaron Fontaine , Erika Fonseca , Adnan Shahid , Maicon Kist
ad hoc networks 91 101881
Lucas Bondan , Maicon Kist , Rafael Kunst , Cristiano B Both
Ricardo Seiti Yoshimura , Maicon Kist , Dick Carrillo Melgarejo , Fabiano Silva Mathilde
Cad. CPqD Tecnologia 9 ( 2) 97 -104
Maicon Kist , Juergen Rochol , Luiz A DaSilva , Cristiano Bonato Both
IEEE International Conference on Communications