Alain Morand , Anh Ho-Quoc , Ted Jini Smail , Pierre Benech
Integrated Optic Devices II 3278 63 -72
Loys Courtois , R Magne , Alain Becoulet , Ted Jini Smail
Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics II 4111 290 -296
Ted Jini Smail , Olivier Jacquin , Alain Morand , Pierre Benech
Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics II 4111 37 -46
Ted Jini Smail , Christian Seassal , Anne Valerie Bel
Integrated Optic Devices II 3278 122 -129
R. Khouri , Y. Duroc , V. Beroulle , S. Tedijini
international conference on electronics, circuits, and systems 570 -573
Rachida Touhami , Dahmane Allane , Gianfranco Andia Vera , Yvan Duroc
Journées Scientifiques de l'URSI-France
Mossaab Daiki , Hamza Chaabane , Etienne Perret , Smail Tedjni
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS'11) 679
Ikram Aznabet , Mohammed Ali Ennasar , Otman El Mrabet , Gianfranco Andia-Vera
Progress in Electromagnetics Research C 73 137 -144
Fateh Benmahmoud , Pierre Lemaitre-Auger , Smail Tedjni
Progress in Electromagnetics Research C 108 147 -158
Raji Sasidharan Nair , Etienne Perret , Smail Tedjni ,
Progress in Electromagnetics Research B 49 107 -127
Ali Imram Najam , Yvan Duroc , Smail Tedjni
Progress in Electromagnetics Research C 19 245 -257
Arnaud Vena , Etienne Perret , Smail Tedjni
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 61 ( 8) 2982 -2994
Dat-Son Nguyen , Gia-Tam Phan , Tien-Thong Pham , Nguyen-Ngan Le
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 583
Y. Duroc , I. Kharrat , M. Awad , T. Aguili
2011 Technical Symposium at ITU Telecom World (ITU WT) 1 -4
V. Deepu , S. Tedjini , F. Garet , E. Perret
european conference on antennas and propagation 1 -5
S. Tedjini , E. Pic
IEE Proceedings H Microwaves, Optics and Antennas 131 ( 1) 61 -63
V. Beroulle , S. Tedjini , T.-P. Vuong , R. Khouri
european conference on wireless technology 00 -001
A. Cartellier , I. Schanen Duport , P. Benech , S. Tedjini
REE. Revue de l'électricité et de l'électronique ( 4) 54 -56
V. Beroulle , S. Tedjini , T.P. Vuong , R. Khouri
ARATEM, Telecom research
Laurent Guilloton , S. Tedjini , G. Fontgalland , T.P. Vuong
27th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science 00 -001