Guang Gong , Raghvendra Rohit
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2018 699
Guang Gong , Raghvendra Rohit
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2019 907
Raghvendra Rohit
University of Waterloo
Guang Gong , Yunsi Fei , Kalikinkar Mandal , Nusa Zidaric
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2020 1202
Sumanta Sarkar , Raghvendra Rohit , Kai Hu , Siwei Sun
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2021 130 -155
Riham AlTawy , Guang Gong , Kalikinkar Mandal , Raghvendra Rohit
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2020 132 -159
Riham AlTawy , Raghvendra Rohit , Morgan He , Kalikinkar Mandal
international conference on selected areas in cryptography 2017 129 -150
Raghvendra Rohit , Riham AlTawy , Guang Gong
IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding 333 -351
Riham AlTawy , Raghvendra Rohit , Morgan He , Kalikinkar Mandal
IEEE Transactions on Computers 67 ( 9) 1341 -1358
Guang Gong , Morgan He , Raghvendra Rohit , Yunjie Yi
foundations and practice of security 261 -272
Riham Altawy , Raghvendra Rohit , Morgan He , Kalikinkar Mandal
ACM Transactions in Embedded Computing Systems 17 ( 4) 81
Mark Aagaard , Riham AlTawy , Guang Gong , Kalikinkar Mandal
Submission to NIST-LWC (announced as round 2 candidate on August 30, 2019)
Mark Aagaard , Riham AlTawy , Guang Gong , Kalikinkar Mandal
Submission to NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Project (announced as round 2 candidate on August 30, 2019)
Riham AlTawy , Guang Gong , Morgan He , Kalikinkar Mandal
Submitted to NIST Lightweight Standardization Process
Yunsi Fei , Guang Gong , Cheng Gongye , Kalikinkar Mandal
Najwa Aaraj , Emanuele Bellini , Ravindra Jejurikar , Marc Manzano
Springer International Publishing 437 -458
Raghvendra Rohit , Santanu Sarkar
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 74 -99
Raghvendra Rohit , Santanu Sarkar
Cryptology ePrint Archive
Riham AlTawy , Raghvendra Rohit , Morgan He , Kalikinkar Mandal
Riham AlTawy , Guang Gong , Morgan He , Ashwin Jha
Submission to NIST LwC Standardization Process (Round 2)