Koen Binnemans , Yiannis Pontikes , Peter Tom Jones , Tom Van Gerven
Proceedings of the 3rd International Slag Valorisation Symposium: the Transition to Sustainable Materials Management 191 -205
Özlem Cizer , Tom Van Gerven , Remus Ion Iacobescu , Marius Bodor
New Trends in Environmental and Materials Engineering (TEME 2013), Date: 2013/10/28 - 2013/10/30, Location: Galati, Romania
Tom Van Gerven , Aldo Van Audenaerde , Annick Monballiu , Johan Martens
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Hydrometallurgy 2014 2 769 -778
Tom Van Gerven , Karel Ghyselbrecht , Johan Martens , Valérie Cappuyns
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Waste Processing and Recycling in Mineral and Metallurgical Industries
Tom Van Gerven , Chenna Rao Borra , Joris Roosen , Koen Binnemans
Proceedings of the Bauxite Residue Valorisation and Best Practices Conference 2015 377 -383
Tom Van Gerven , Marius Bodor , Rafael Santos , Yi Wai Chiang
Book of Abstracts CSSD-UDJG 2014 89 -90
Tom Van Gerven , Lieve Helsen , Bart Van der Bruggen , Johan Vanneste
Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij - MIRA
Tom Van Gerven , Lubica Kriskova , Jan Elsen , Marius Bodor
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Materials Engineering 235 -244
Chenna Rao Borra , Koen Binnemans , Tom Van Gerven , Bieke Onghena
Proceedings of the Bauxite Residue Valorisation and Best Practices Conference 2015 331 -337
Tom Van Gerven , Marius Bodor , Maria Vlad
Research quality in doctoral school
H Van Pee , B Bergervoet , J Volders , S Malliet
SEFI, Leuven, 16-20 september 2013 1 -8
Tom Van Gerven , Johan Martens , Valérie Cappuyns , Yi Wai Chiang
Enhanced Landfill Mining and the Transition to Sustainable Materials Management
Tom Van Gerven , Karel Ghyselbrecht , Annick Monballiu , Johan Martens
6th International Symposium on Biohydrometallurgy 1 -21
Tom Van Gerven , Johan Martens , Jan Elsen , Rafael Santos
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Materials Engineering 357 -367
Özlem Cizer , Tom Van Gerven , Remus Ion Iacobescu , Marius Bodor
1 -10
Tom Van Gerven , Bart Blanpain , Yiannis Pontikes , Chenna Rao Borra
Proceedings of the Bauxite Residue Valorisation and Best Practices Conference 2015 301 -307
Tom Van Gerven , Georgios Stefanidis , Andrzej Stankiewicz , Reina Van Houten
Netherlands Process Technology Symposium 2010
Tom Van Gerven , Mumin Enis Leblebici , Georgios Stefanidis
Book of Abstracts 886
Tom Van Gerven , Aldo Van Audenaerde , Remus Ion Iacobescu , Pol Knops
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Hydrometallurgy 2014 2 755 -767
M Enis Leblebici , Georgios D Stefanidis , Tom Van Gerven ,
Royal Society of Chemistry