Recovery of rare earths from industrial waste residues: a concise review

Koen Binnemans , Yiannis Pontikes , Peter Tom Jones , Tom Van Gerven
Proceedings of the 3rd International Slag Valorisation Symposium: the Transition to Sustainable Materials Management 191 -205

Investigation of carbonated BOF slag used as partial replacement of aggregate in mortars

Özlem Cizer , Tom Van Gerven , Remus Ion Iacobescu , Marius Bodor
New Trends in Environmental and Materials Engineering (TEME 2013), Date: 2013/10/28 - 2013/10/30, Location: Galati, Romania

Bioleaching of Nickel From Olivine Using Chemoheterotrophic Fungi and Bacteria

Tom Van Gerven , Aldo Van Audenaerde , Annick Monballiu , Johan Martens
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Hydrometallurgy 2014 2 769 -778

An integrated approach for heavy metal remediation using sorbents synthesized from waste residues

Tom Van Gerven , Karel Ghyselbrecht , Johan Martens , Valérie Cappuyns
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Waste Processing and Recycling in Mineral and Metallurgical Industries

Separation of scandium from leachates of Greek bauxite residue by adsorption with functionalised chitosan-silica hybrid materials

Tom Van Gerven , Chenna Rao Borra , Joris Roosen , Koen Binnemans
Proceedings of the Bauxite Residue Valorisation and Best Practices Conference 2015 377 -383

Utilization of Nickel Nanoparticles as Catalytic Additive in Acceleration of the Mineral Carbonation Process

Tom Van Gerven , Marius Bodor , Rafael Santos , Yi Wai Chiang
Book of Abstracts CSSD-UDJG 2014 89 -90

Inzet van biologische afval - Gevalstudie niet-verontreinigd houtafval

Tom Van Gerven , Lieve Helsen , Bart Van der Bruggen , Johan Vanneste
Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij - MIRA

Mineralogical and morphological assessment of carbonated steel slags and synthesized minerals

Tom Van Gerven , Lubica Kriskova , Jan Elsen , Marius Bodor
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Materials Engineering 235 -244

Selective recovery of scandium(III) from bauxite residue leachates by solvent extraction with a carboxyl-functionalised ionic liquid

Chenna Rao Borra , Koen Binnemans , Tom Van Gerven , Bieke Onghena
Proceedings of the Bauxite Residue Valorisation and Best Practices Conference 2015 331 -337

Converter slag analysis and literature study on carbon dioxide sequestration by steel slags

Tom Van Gerven , Marius Bodor , Maria Vlad
Research quality in doctoral school

GAMES- Great Adventures for the Millennium Chemical Engineering Student

H Van Pee , B Bergervoet , J Volders , S Malliet
SEFI, Leuven, 16-20 september 2013 1 -8

Sustainable Materialization of Thermal Residues into Sorbents

Tom Van Gerven , Johan Martens , Valérie Cappuyns , Yi Wai Chiang
Enhanced Landfill Mining and the Transition to Sustainable Materials Management

Assessment of Bacterial and Fungal Mediated Bioleaching of Alkaline Materials towards Alteration and Solubilisation of Mineral Phases

Tom Van Gerven , Karel Ghyselbrecht , Annick Monballiu , Johan Martens
6th International Symposium on Biohydrometallurgy 1 -21

Two-way valorization of blast furnace slag into precipitated calcium carbonate and sorbent materials

Tom Van Gerven , Johan Martens , Jan Elsen , Rafael Santos
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Materials Engineering 357 -367

Utilization of Carbonated BOF Slag as Partial Replacement of Aggregate in Cement Mortars

Özlem Cizer , Tom Van Gerven , Remus Ion Iacobescu , Marius Bodor
1 -10

Selective leaching of rare earths from bauxite residue after sulphation roasting

Tom Van Gerven , Bart Blanpain , Yiannis Pontikes , Chenna Rao Borra
Proceedings of the Bauxite Residue Valorisation and Best Practices Conference 2015 301 -307

Microwave-enhanced pervaporation: application for ethanol-water mixtures

Tom Van Gerven , Georgios Stefanidis , Andrzej Stankiewicz , Reina Van Houten
Netherlands Process Technology Symposium 2010

Micro-mixer settler for solvent extraction of rare earth elements

Tom Van Gerven , Mumin Enis Leblebici , Georgios Stefanidis
Book of Abstracts 886

Enhanced Nickel Extraction From Ultrabasic Silicate Ores Using Mineral Carbonation Pre-treatment

Tom Van Gerven , Aldo Van Audenaerde , Remus Ion Iacobescu , Pol Knops
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Hydrometallurgy 2014 2 755 -767

Photocatalytic Reactors in Environmental Applications

M Enis Leblebici , Georgios D Stefanidis , Tom Van Gerven ,
Royal Society of Chemistry