The challenges of redistributing forest-related monetary benefits to local governments: a decade of logging area fees in Cameroon

P.O Cerutti , G Lescuyer , S Assembe-Mvondo , L Tacconi
International Forestry Review 12 ( 2) 130 -138

Is China Unique? Exploring the Behaviour of Chinese and European Firms in the Cameroonian Logging Sector

P.O Cerutti , S Assembe-Mvondo , L German , L Putzel
International Forestry Review 13 ( 1) 23 -34

Timber certification as a catalyst for change in forest governance in Cameroon, Indonesia, and Peru

S Savilaakso , P.O Cerutti , J.G Montoya Zumaeta , Ruslandi
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services & Management 13 ( 1) 116 -133

Evaluation du secteur du sciage artisanal dans le Bassin du Congo

Edouard Essiane Mendoula , Paolo Omar Cerutti , Robert Nasi , Richard Eba'a Atyi
Les forêts du Bassin du Congo : Etat des forêts 2010

The timber domestic sector in Cameroon: Preliminary analysis and issues

Edouard Essiane Mendoula , Samuel Assembe-Mvondo , Joachim Nguiebouri , Jean Pamphile Ondoua
Regional Workshop on Chainsaw Lumbering in West Africa, 25-26 May 2009, Accra, Ghana

FSC or Business as usual? Social impacts of forest certification in Cameroon

Raphael Tsanga , Paolo Omar Cerutti , Guillaume Lescuyer
Research priorities in tropical silviculture: towards new paradigms ? : IUFRO International Conference, Montpellier, France, 15-18 November 2011, Abstracts

Le secteur informel du sciage artisanal en RD Congo: L’enjeu d’une analyse nationale

Guillaume Lescuyer , Paolo Omar Cerutti , Robert Nasi , Richard Eba'a Atyi
Le bois à l'ordre du jour. Exploitation artisanale de bois d'oeuvre en RD Congo : Secteur porteur d'espoir pour le développement des petites et moyennes entreprises

Politiques de gestion durable des forêts en Afrique centrale. Prendre en compte le secteur informel

Paolo Omar Cerutti , Guillaume Lescuyer
Perspective Magazine ( 21) 1 -4

Study of the community forestry regime in the DRC

Guillaume Lescuyer , Raphael Tsanga , Paolo Omar Cerutti , Laurence Boutinot

Opportunities and challenges of chainsaw milling in the Congo basin

Edouard Essiane Mendoula , Joachim Nguiebouri , Jean Pamphile Ondoua , Paolo Omar Cerutti
Small scale forestry in a changing world : opportunities and challenges and the role of extension and technology transfer : IUFRO Conference, Bled, Slovenia, 06 - 12 June 2010

Multiple and intertwined impacts of illegal forest activities

Pablo Pacheco , Paolo Omar Cerutti , David P Edwards , Guillaume Lescuyer
Illegal logging and related timber trade - dimensions, drivers, impacts and responses: a global scientific rapid response assessment report

Defining Illegal Forest Activities and Illegal Logging

Xiaoxue Weng , Luca Tacconi , Sina Leipold , Paolo Omar Cerutti
International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) 23 -36

Entandrophragma cylindricum (Sprague) Sprague (Meliaceae), une espèce ligneuse concurrentielle en Afrique centrale (synthèse bibliographique)

Cédric Vermeulen , François Verheggen , Kasso Daïnou , François Malaisse
Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement 21 ( 1) 80 -97

Fallows, agroforests and forests: should tropical silviculture go beyond the forest margin?

Paolo Omar Cerutti , Valentina Robiglio , James Gockowski , Guillaume Lescuyer
Research priorities in tropical silviculture: towards new paradigms ? : IUFRO International Conference, Montpellier, France, 15-18 November 2011, Abstracts

Will the DRC community forest model be viable

Guillaume Lescuyer , Raphael Tsanga , Paolo Omar Cerutti , Robert Nasi
Book of Abstracts IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress 2017

Governing natural resources : the case of illegal forest activities in Cameroon

Paolo Omar Cerutti
The Australian National University

Issues for impact evaluation design of FSC certification of natural forest management

Francis E. Putz , Guillaume Lescuyer , Manuel Guariguata , Erin O. Sills
Proceedings of the 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology and 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology " Mission biodiversity: choosing new paths for conservation"

Certify and shift blame, or resolve issues? Environmentally and socially responsible global trade and production of timber and tree crops

Dagmar Mithöfer , Meine van Noordwijk , Beria Leimona , Paolo Omar Cerutti
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services & Management 13 ( 1) 72 -85

Timber certification as a catalyst for change in forest governance in Cameroon, Indonesia, and Peru

S Savilaakso , P.O Cerutti , J.G Montoya Zumaeta , Ruslandi
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services & Management 13 ( 1) 116 -133

Sustainable forest management policies in central Africa: Taking the informal sector into account

Guillaume Lescuyer , Paolo Omar Cerutti
Perspective Magazine ( 21) 1 -4