Ousmane DIENG , Congduc PHAM , Ousmane THIARE
wireless and mobile computing networking and communications 1 -6
Ndeye Massata NDIAYE , Pierre SENS , Ousmane THIARE
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (IJIMAI)
Ousmane THIARE
International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing 567 -572
Ousmane THIARE
Mahamadou Traore , Bernard Pottier , Ousmane THIARE
Babacar DIOP , Dame DIONGUE , Ousmane THIARE
Babacar DIOP , Dame DIONGUE , Ousmane THIARE
Hary Razafindralambo , Sonagnon Kouhounde , K Adéoti , M Mounir
E Effah , O Thiare , AM Wyglinski
AA Ari , OK Ngangmo , C Titouna , O Thiare
Enabling Privacy and Security in Cloud of Things: architecture, applications, security & privacy challenges. Applied Computing and Informatics
Ousmane Thiare , Eddy Caron , Maurice-Djibril Faye
Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées 25 1 -20
Ousmane Thiare , Philippe Cousin , Congduc Pham , Amos Wussah
ist africa week conference
Ousmane Thiare , Alexander Wyglinski , Emmanuel Effah
vehicular technology conference 1 -5
Ousmane Thiare , Alexander Wyglinski , Emmanuel Effah
vehicular technology conference 1 -5
Jean-Frederic Myoupo , Mohamed Naimi , Ousmane Thiare
international symposium on computers and communications 693 -696
Mohamed Naimi , Ousmane Thiare
Journal of Computer Science 5 ( 5) 398 -404
Philippe Cousin , Charlotte Dupont , Sabrine Fatnassi , Congduc Pham
ist africa week conference 1 -8
Babacar Diop , Dame Diongue , Ousmane Thiare
2014 IEEE Conference on Wireless Sensors (ICWiSE) 25 -30
Eddy Caron , Maurice Djibril Faye , Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas , Ousmane Thiare
international symposium on autonomous decentralized systems 1 -6