Abbas Edalat , André Lieutier , Elham Kashefi
canadian conference on computational geometry 93 -96
Tomoyuki Morimae , Vedran Dunjko , Elham Kashefi
Quantum Information & Computation 15 ( 3) 200 -234
Elham Kashefi , Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
Anne Broadbent , Joseph Fitzsimons , Elham Kashefi
formal methods 6154 43 -86
William Blacoe , Mirella Lapata , Elham Kashefi
north american chapter of the association for computational linguistics 847 -857
Einar Pius , Elham Kashefi , Raphael Dias Da Silva
Quantum Information & Computation 15 ( 9) 853 -884
Marcus Silva , Vincent Danos , Elham Kashefi , Harold Ollivier
New Journal of Physics 9 ( 6) 192 -192
Anne Broadbent , Joseph Fitzsimons , Elham Kashefi
foundations of computer science 517 -526
Petros Wallden , Alexandru Gheorghiu , Elham Kashefi , Elham Kashefi
New Journal of Physics 19 ( 2) 023043
Vedran Dunjko , Elham Kashefi
arXiv: Quantum Physics
Petros Wallden , Elham Kashefi
Cryptography 1 ( 1) 6
Alexandru Gheorghiu , Elham Kashefi
Ercim News 2018
Alexandru Gheorghiu , Scott Aaronson , Elham Kashefi , Alexandru Cojocaru
7th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography
Petros Wallden , Elham Kashefi , Alexandru Cojocaru , Léo Colisson
international conference on the theory and application of cryptology and information security 11921 615 -645
Elham Kashefi , Matty J. Hoban , Brian Coyle
Cryptography 3 ( 4) 27
Elham Kashefi
APS 2016
Petros Wallden , Elham Kashefi , Daniel Mills , Iskren Vankov
Quantum Science and Technology 5 ( 1) 014001
Theodoros Kapourniotis , Animesh Datta , Elham Kashefi
conference on theory of quantum computation communication and cryptography 27 204
Elham Kashefi , Anna Pappa , Myrto Arapinis , Nikolaos Lamprou
ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing 2 ( 1) 1 -33
Jens Eisert , Dominik Hangleiter , Nathan Walk , Ingo Roth
Nature Reviews Physics 2 ( 7) 382 -390