Ahcène Bounceur , Mustapha Moulaï , Reinhardt Euler , Madani Bezoui
Ahcene Bounceur , Madani Bezoui , Massinissa Lounis , Reinhardt Euler
2018 15th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) 1 -2
Farid Lalem , Ahcène Bounceur , Madani Bezoui , Massinissa Saoudi
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 93 38 -50
Nora Saadi , Ahcène Bounceur , Reinhardt Euler , Massinissa Lounis
Wireless Personal Communications 111 ( 3) 1525 -1543
Abdelkader Laouid , Muath AlShaikh , Farid Lalem , Ahcène Bounceur
international conference on future networks 26
Madani Bezoui , Ahcène Bounceur , Loïc Lagadec , Reinhardt Euler
international conference on future networks 18 36
Ahcène Bounceur , Madani Bezoui , Loïc Lagadec , Reinhardt Euler
international conference on future networks 37
Nabil Kadjouh , Ahcène Bounceur , Abdelkamel Tari , Loïc Lagadec
international conference on future networks
Madani Bezoui , Ahcene Bounceur , Reinhardt Euler , Farid Lalem
ieee sensors 1 -3
Ahcene Bounceur , Madani Bezoui , Reinhardt Euler , Farid Lalem
ieee sensors 1 -3
Ahcene Bounceur , Madani Bezoui , Reinhardt Euler , Farid Lalem
ieee sensors 1 -3
Madani Bezoui , Mustapha Moulaï , Ahcène Bounceur , Reinhardt Euler
Computational Optimization and Applications 72 ( 2) 479 -498
Ahcene Bounceur , Madani Bezoui , Reinhardt Euler , Nabil Kadjouh
international conference on developments in esystems engineering 218 -223
Massinissa Saoudi , Farid Lalem , Ahcène Bounceur , Reinhardt Euler
ad hoc networks 56 56 -71
Ahcène Bounceur , Madani Bezoui , Umber Noreen , Reinhardt Euler
Future Internet Technologies and Trends: First International Conference, ICFITT 2017, Surat, India, August 31-September 2, 2017, Proceedings 1 1 -16