Youngsoo Kim , Edwin Monroy , Okhwan Lee , Kyung-Joon Park
asia-pacific conference on communications 658 -663
Ill Soo Sohn , Sunghyun Choi , Seung Min Yoo , Hyewon Lee
Jeongyoon Heo , Hyung-Sin Kim , Okhwan Lee , Saewoong Bahk
2016 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 625 -630
Seongho Byeon , Changmok Yang , Okhwan Lee , Kangjin Yoon
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 1547 -1552
Seongkwan Kim , Okhwan Lee , Sunghyun Choi , Sung-Ju Lee
2009 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications 47 -51
Seongkwan Kim , Okhwan Lee , Sunghyun Choi , Sung-Ju Lee
2009 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications 1552 -1556
Heeyoung Lee , Seongkwan Kim , Okhwan Lee , Sunghyun Choi
modeling analysis and simulation of wireless and mobile systems 132 -139
Weiping Sun , Okhwan Lee , Yeonchul Shin , Seongwon Kim
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 ( 11) 22 -29
Ildefonso de la Cruz , Okhwan Lee , Sunghyun Choi
sensor mesh and ad hoc communications and networks 100 -102
Okhwan Lee , Weiping Sun , Jihoon Kim , Hyuk Lee
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) 2200 -2208
Seongho Byeon , Kangjin Yoon , Okhwan Lee , Sunghyun Choi
conference on emerging network experiment and technology 41 -52
Seongkwan Kim , Okhwan Lee , Sunghyun Choi , Sung-Ju Lee
ad hoc networks 9 ( 7) 1343 -1358
Ill Soo Sohn , Sunghyun Choi , Seungmin Yoo , Hyewon Lee
Okhwan Lee , Jihoon Kim , Jongtae Lim , Sunghyun Choi
IEEE Communications Letters 19 ( 1) 90 -93
Okhwan Lee , Jihoon Kim , Sunghyun Choi
2015 12th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON) 136 -144
Okhwan Lee , Sunghyun Choi , Jihoon Kim
KIM Youngjip , Seongwon Kim , KIM Taejun , SON Youngwook
Okhwan Lee , LEE Woonkyun
Sung-Hyun Choi , Sung-Ju Lee , Seong-Kwan Kim , Ok-Hwan Lee
Journal of KIISE:Information Networking 36 ( 5) 456 -469
Ok-Hwan Lee , Seong-Kwan Kim , Sung-Hyun Choi , Sung-Ju Lee
정보과학회논문지. Journal of KIISE. 정보통신 36 ( 5) 456 -469