Stephen Feist , Susan Ford , Lone Madsen , Simon Jones
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
S.R.M. Jones , N.M. Ruane
Fiches d'identification des maladies et parasites des poissons, crustacés et mollusques = ICES Identification Leaflets for diseases and parasites of fish and shellfish
N.M. Ruane , J. Davenport , F. Igoe
Biology & Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 112 ( 3) 301 -304
F. Igoe , N.M. Ruane
Biology & Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 112 ( 3) 305 -309
J.B. Ortiz Delgado , N.M. Ruane , P. Pousão-Ferreira , M.T. Dinis
Aquaculture 260 ( 1-4) 346 -356
J. Rotllant , N.M. Ruane , M.J. Caballero , D. Montero
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-molecular & Integrative Physiology 136 ( 3) 613 -620
N.M. Ruane , J.G.D. Lambert , H.J.Th. Goos , J. Komen
General and Comparative Endocrinology 143 ( 1) 66 -74
N.M. Ruane , H.J.Th. Goos , J. Komen
General and Comparative Endocrinology 150 ( 3) 473 -479
N.M. Ruane , S.E. Wendelaar Bonga , P.H.M. Balm
General and Comparative Endocrinology 115 ( 2) 210 -219
N.M. Ruane , D.T. Nolan , J. Rotllant , L. Tort
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 20 ( 1) 43 -51
Hamish Rodger , Tom Doyle , N. M. Ruane , Susie Mitchell
Marine Institute
M Ó Cinneide , F Geoghegan , N. M. Ruane
Marine Institute
M. Toomey , E. McGovern , A. Reid , M. Elliott
Marine Institute
L Foyle , H Rodger , M Ó Cinneide , J Ratcliff
Marine Institute
H. Rodger , C. O' Sullivan , K. Murphy , F. Geoghegan
Marine Institue
N. M. Ruane , P. Makridis , P. H. M. Balm , M. T. Dinis
Journal of Fish Biology 67 ( 2) 577 -581
N. M. Ruane , E. A. Huisman , J. Komen
Journal of Fish Biology 59 ( 1) 1 -12
D. T. Nolan , F. A. T. Spanings , N. M. Ruane , R. H. Hadderingh
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 45 ( 2) 247 -257
N.M Ruane , E.A Huisman , J Komen
Aquaculture 210 ( 1) 245 -257
N.M Ruane , D.T Nolan , J Rotllant , J Costelloe
Fish & Shellfish Immunology 10 ( 5) 451 -463