Kristopher David Peterson , Venkata Sreekanth Reddy Annapureddy , David Jonathan Julian
Venkata Sreekanta Annapureddy , Srikrishna Bhashyam
asilomar conference on signals, systems and computers 809 -813
Sreekanth Annapureddy , Alan Barbieri , Stefan Geirhofer , Sid Mallik
IEEE Communication Theory Workshop
Venugopal V. Veeravalli , V. Sreekanth Annapureddy , Aly El Gamal
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58 ( 9) 5740 -5760
Venugopal V. Veeravalli , V. Sreekanth Annapureddy
arXiv: Information Theory
Sachin S. Talathi , V. Sreekanth Annapureddy , Darryl D. Lin
arXiv: Learning
Aly El Gamal , V. Sreekanth Annapureddy , Venugopal V. Veeravalli
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings 1538 -1542
Aly El Gamal , V. Sreekanth Annapureddy , Venugopal V. Veeravalli
conference on information sciences and systems 1 -6
Aly El Gamal , V. Sreekanth Annapureddy , Venugopal V. Veeravalli
international conference on communications 2293 -2297
V. Sreekanth Annapureddy , Aly El Gamal , Venugopal V. Veeravalli
international symposium on information theory 385 -389
V. Sreekanth Annapureddy , Aly El Gamal , Venugopal V. Veeravalli
international symposium on information theory 1377 -1381
V. Sreekanth Annapureddy , Venugopal V. Veeravalli
international symposium on information theory 255 -259
V. Sreekanth Annapureddy , Venugopal V. Veeravalli
information theory workshop 1 -2
V Sreekanth Annapureddy , Venugopal V Veeravalli ,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57 ( 5) 2565 -2581
Aly El Gamal , V Sreekanth Annapureddy , Venugopal V Veeravalli
submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Venu Gopal Veeravalli , V Sreekanth Annapureddy
V Sreekanth Annapureddy , Venugopal V Veeravalli
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 55 ( 7) 3032 -3050
Alexei Yurievitch Gorokhov , V Sreekanth Annapureddy , Alan Barbieri , Siddhartha Mallik
Venkata Annapureddy , Devdutt Marathe , T. Ramya , Srikrishna Bhashyam
IEEE Transactions on Communications 57 ( 2) 319 -326
Venkata Annapureddy
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign