Luca Della Toffola , Cristian Alexandru Staicu , Michael Pradel
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering 44 -49
Cristian-Alexandru Staicu , Michael Pradel
usenix security symposium 361 -376
Cristian-Alexandru Staicu , Michael Pradel
usenix security symposium 923 -939
Cristian-Alexandru Staicu , Michael Pradel , Cam Tenny , Markus Zimmermann
usenix security symposium 995 -1010
Cristian-Alexandru Staicu ,
Cristian-Alexandru Staicu , Martin Toldam Torp , Max Schäfer , Anders Møller
international conference on software engineering 198 -209
Hui Liu , Qiurong Liu , Cristian-Alexandru Staicu , Michael Pradel
international conference on software engineering 1063 -1073
Philippe Skolka , Cristian-Alexandru Staicu , Michael Pradel
the web conference 1735 -1746
Cristian-Alexandru Staicu , Michael Pradel , Benjamin Livshits
network and distributed system security symposium
Cristian-Alexandru Staicu , Daniel Schoepe , Musard Balliu , Michael Pradel
acm workshop on programming languages and analysis for security 45 -59
Mariano Ceccato , Paolo Falcarin , Alessandro Cabutto , Yosief Weldezghi Frezghi
symposium on search based software engineering 159 -175
Esben Andreasen , Liang Gong , Anders Møller , Michael Pradel
ACM Computing Surveys 50 ( 5) 66
Nikos Vasilakis , Cristian-Alexandru Staicu , Grigoris Ntousakis , Konstantinos Kallas
Smpte Journal 1821 -1838
Mikhail Shcherbakov , Musard Balliu , Cristian-Alexandru Staicu
Smpte Journal
Abdullah AlHamdan , Cristian-Alexandru Staicu
Smpte Journal
Hossein Hajipour , Ning Yu , Cristian-Alexandru Staicu , Mario Fritz
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.04802
Cristian-Alexandru Staicu , Sazzadur Rahaman , Ágnes Kiss , Michael Backes
32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23) 6133 -6150
Hossein Hajipour , Apratim Bhattacharyya , Cristian-Alexandru Staicu , Mario Fritz
Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases 119 -133
Cristian-Alexandru Staicu ,
University of Twente
Masudul Hasan Masud Bhuiyan , Adithya Srinivas Parthasarathy , Nikos Vasilakis , Michael Pradel
2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 1059 -1070