Virginia Vannucci , Viassone Milena , Pantano Eleonora
5th Colloquium on European Research in Retailing 384 -384
Antonella Reitano , Pantano Eleonora , Feraco Antonio
1 -16
Pantano Eleonora , Francesca Serravalle
Routledge 1 -206
Eleonara Pantano
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 3 ( 5) 482 -495
Eleanora Pantano , Vincenzo Corvello
Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice 14 ( 3) 214 -223
E Pantano , Rocco Carmine Servidio
18th Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference 1 -18
Rocco Carmine Servidio , E Pantano
Managerial and Entrepreneurial Developments in the Mediterranean Area 1357 -1366
Daniel Baier , Alexandra Rese , Stefanie Schreiber , I Lee
Successful Technological Integration for Competitive Advantage in Retail Settings, I. Lee and E. Pantano, Editors
E Pantano , C-V Priporas , D Baier
A Febbraro , G Naccarato , E Pantano , A Tavernise
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Web Based Communities 93 -99
Antonella Reitano , Rocco Carmine Servidio , E Pantano , A Feraco
105 -116
E Pantano
World Journal of Retail Business Management 2 ( 4) 11 -21
E Pantano , C Dennis , M De Pietro
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 61
E Pantano , M Viassone , R Boardman , C Dennis
E Pantano , D Scarpi
USA 1 -5
L Deveraux , D Scarpi , E Pantano
GBR 1 -16
E Pantano , Milena Viassone , D Vrontis
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 111 -128
E Pantano , Vincenzo Corvello
Vincenzo Corvello , G Naccarato , E Pantano
EURAM, University of Rome “Tor Vergata
Antonella Reitano , E Pantano