Dale Dominey-Howes , Maria Papathoma
Tsunami Symposium (3rd : 2006)
Dale Dominey-Howes , Maria Papathoma
Natural Hazards 40 ( 1) 113 -136
Maria Papathoma
Coventry University
Dale Dominey-Howes , Maria Papathoma
Hawaii: The Tsunami Society
J. Weichselbaum , N. Hackner , F. Petrini-Monteferri , M. Papathoma
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 84
D. Dominey-Howes , M. Papathoma , D. Smith , Y. Zong
EGS General Assembly Conference Abstracts 2912
M. Papathoma , D. Dominey-Howes , Y. Zong , D. Smith
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 3 ( 5) 377 -389
M. Papathoma , D. Dominey-Howes
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 3 ( 6) 733 -747
Thomas Glade , Maria Papathoma-Koehle , Catrin Promper
EGUGA 3432
Roxana Bojariu , Thomas Glade , Maria Papathoma-Koehle , Catrin Promper
EGUGA 3459
Sven Fuchs , Anne Gravsholt-Busck , Nicolai Plesner , Maria Papathoma-Koehle
EGUGA 6623
Thomas Thaler , Sven Fuchs , Maria Papathoma-Koehle
Maria Papathoma-Koehle
EGUGA 3327
Margreth Keiler , Maria Papathoma-Koehle , Catrin Promper , Maria Patek
EGUGA 6759
Sven Fuchs , Fotis Maris , Maria Papathoma-Koehle
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 1577
Bernhard Gems , Bruno Mazzorana , Sven Fuchs , Michael Sturm
EGUGA 6674
Roxana Liliana Ciurean , Maria Papathoma-Koehle
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 3468
Thomas Thaler , Sven Fuchs , Maria Papathoma-Koehle
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 6837
Sven Fuchs , Matthias Schlögl , Maria Papathoma-Koehle , Marco Borga
Maria Papathoma-Koehle , Catrin Promper , Roxana Bojariu , Roxana Cica
Natural Hazards 82 ( 1) 89 -109