Comparison of Observed Surface Temperatures of 4 Vesta to the KRC Thermal Model

TN Titus , KJ Becker , JA Anderson , MT Capria
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference ( 1659) 2851

The NASA New Millennium Program: Advanced Technologies for Future Science Missions

D. Crisp , C. Raymond
Abstracts of Papers Submitted to the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2067

Tectonic Versus Rebound-Induced Motion in Antarctica

M. Heflin , C. Raymond , E. Ivins , T. James

Magnetic Anomalies and Tectonics on Mars

S. Smrekar , E. Stofan , C. Raymond

Mars Magnetometer Balloon Mission

C. Raymond , C. Russell , K. Leschly , V. Kerzhanovich

Constraints on the Martian Plate Tectonic Hypothesis from Gravity and Topography Data

C. Raymond , S. Smrekar
The Fifth International Conference on Mars 6172

Bayesian Approach to the Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Data, with Application to the Ismenius Area of Mars

C. Millbury , Jeffrey B. Jewell , S. Smrekar , C. Raymond
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2004

Size-Frequency Distributions of km to Sub-km Sized Impact Craters on Ceres

N. Schmedemann , H. Hiesinger , T. Kneissl , S. van Gasselt
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference ( 1903) 2936

Distinct thermal appearances on Vesta as inferred from the Dawn/VIR data

D. Buczkowski , B. Denevi , M. De Sanctis , E. Ammannito
Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014 531

Pitted terrains on Vesta: Thermophysical analysis

B. Denevi , M. De Sanctis , E. Ammannito , F. Capaccioni
Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014 76

POLENET Seismic and GPS Network in West Antarctica

I. Dalziel , S. Anandakrishnan , D. Wiens , M. Bevis
AGUFM 2008

Dawn, A Discovery Mission To Vesta And Ceres: Expected Results

L. McFadden , A. Coradini , B. Williams , W. Feldman
EGSGA 4897

Closer look at photometric anomalies and phase reddening on Vesta

S. Schröder , C. Raymond , C. Russell , S. Mottola
Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014 478

Vesta mineralogy after Dawn

C. Pieters , M. De Sanctis , E. Ammannito , F. Capaccioni
Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014 464

DAWN FC Results at Vesta and Ceres

H. Sierks , G. Thangjam , M. Hoffmann , T. Platz
European Planetary Science Congress

Vapor Production Rates at Ceres from Solar Wind Sputtering

N. Schorghofer , J. Castillo-Rogez , T. Prettyman , M. Landis
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts 52 ( 6)

Vesta-HED Connection: Comparison of Dawn FC, Hubble Space Telescope, and Ground-Based Observations of Vesta

V Reddy , J-Y Li , L Le Corre , CT Russell
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference ( 1719) 1040