Distribution and habitat models of the Eurasian otter, Lutra lutra, in South Korea

Yeong-Seok Jo , Chang-Man Won , Sarah R Fritts , Mark C Wallace
Journal of Mammalogy 98 ( 4) 1105 -1117

Economic pressures of Covid-19 lockdowns result in increased timber extraction within a critically endangered region: A case study from the Pacific Forest of Ecuador

Jacquelyn M Tleimat , Sarah R Fritts , Rebecca M Brunner , David Rodriguez
Ecology and Evolution 12 ( 11) e9550

SNAPSHOT USA 2021: A third coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States

Hila Shamon , Roi Maor , Michael V Cove , Roland Kays
Ecology 4318

A pigeon's eye view of a university campus

Erin E Stukenholtz , Tirhas A Hailu , Sean Childers , Charles Leatherwood
The Southwestern Naturalist 66 ( 1) 13 -24

Ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) response to harvest residue retention: implications for sustainable forest bioenergy production

Steven M Grodsky , Rebecca R Hernandez , Joshua W Campbell , Kevin R Hinson
Forests 11 ( 1) 48 -48

Renewable Energy Ecology

Steven M Grodsky , Sarah R Fritts , Rebecca R Hernandez
Renewable Energy and Wildlife Conservation 247 -247

Lesser Prairie-Chicken Brood Ecology on the Southern High Plains of Texas

Daniel U Greene , Blake A Grisham , Clint W Boal , David A Haukos
Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 11 110 -118

The Relative Influence of Thermal Profiles and Vegetation Composition and Structure on Fine-Scale Habitat Selection of Scaled Quail (Callipepla Squamata)

Charlotte D Wilson , Manuel Silva , Blake Anthony Grisham , C Brad Dabbert
Available at SSRN 4571283

Museum and citizen-science data indicate contraction in the range of Texas horned lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum)

Jared W Haney , Joseph A Veech , Ivan Castro-Arellano , Sarah R Fritts
Herpetologica 78 ( 2) 102 -109

Long‐term patterns in inland fish kills associated with cold‐shock and winter stress: a regional case study from Texas

Steven G Lopez , Andrea S Aspbury , Sarah R Fritts , Travis Tidwell
Journal of Fish Biology 103 ( 3) 472 -480

Black-crested Titmice (Baeolophus atricristatus) initiate nesting earlier in urbanized landscapes but have variable nesting success depending on the level of urbanization

Rebekah J Rylander , Andrea S Aspbury , Thomas R Simpson , Michael A Patten
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 136 ( 1) 36 -51

An updated review of hypotheses regarding bat attraction to wind turbines

Emma E Guest , Brittany F Stamps , Nevin D Durish , Amanda M Hale
Animals 12 ( 3) 343 -343

Use of anthropogenic nest materials by black-crested titmice along an urban gradient

Madi P Vasquez , Rebekah J Rylander , Jacquelyn M Tleimat , Sarah R Fritts
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13 ( 1) 236 -242

Reproductive Characteristics of Rio Grande Cooters (Pseudemys gorzugi) in Western Texas

Austin MA Bohannon , Lawrence G Bassett , Shashwat Sirsi , Andrew R MacLaren
Chelonian Conservation and Biology: Celebrating 25 Years as the World's Turtle and Tortoise Journal 21 ( 2) 246 -255

Evening bats captured in a managed wildlife refuge used trees in a human-dominated landscape as maternity roosts

Jacob A Rogers , Matthew C Parker , Sarah R Fritts
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 14 ( 1) 163 -170

Inter-and intraspecific variability of total mercury concentrations in bats of Texas (USA)

Matthew C Parker , Sarah R Fritts , Sara P Weaver , Melissa B Meierhofer
Environmental Research 119570 -119570

Exposure to Roundup and Antibiotics Alters Gut Microbial Communities, Growth, and Behavior in Rana berlandieri Tadpoles

Melissa Villatoro-Castañeda , Zachery R Forsburg , Whitney Ortiz , Sarah R Fritts
Biology 12 ( 9) 1171 -1171

Shrew response to variable woody debris retention: Implications for sustainable forest bioenergy

S.R. Fritts , C.E. Moorman , S.M. Grodsky , D.W. Hazel
Forest Ecology and Management 336 35 -43

Quantifying multi-scale habitat use of woody biomass by southern toads

S.R. Fritts , S.M. Grodsky , D.W. Hazel , J.A. Homyack
Forest Ecology and Management 346 81 -88

Biomass Harvesting Guidelines affect downed woody debris retention

S.R. Fritts , C.E. Moorman , D.W. Hazel , B.D. Jackson
Biomass & Bioenergy 70 382 -391