J. Linke , G.J. McDermid , D.N. Laskin , A.J. McLane
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 75 ( 8) 981 -995
G McDermid , A McLane , A Collingwood , J Hird
Foothills Research Institute grizzly bear program 2007 annual report
A McLane , AY Ho , A Ballangrud , GP Gupta
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 78 ( 3)
A Goenka , A Ho , A Gonzales , A McLane
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 75 ( 3)
AY Ho , PG Cordeiro , JL Wright , KJ Van Zee
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 78 ( 3)
CA Perez , G Gupta , TA King , KH Rogers
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 81 ( 2)
Adam J. McLane , Christina Semeniuk , Gregory J. McDermid , Diana F. Tomback
Ecological Modelling 354 123 -139
Guillermo Castilla , Julia Linke , Adam J. McLane , Gregory J. McDermid
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41 ( 10) 2090 -2096
Adam J. McLane , Christina Semeniuk , Gregory J. McDermid , Danielle J. Marceau
Ecological Modelling 222 ( 8) 1544 -1556
Julia Linke , Gregory J. McDermid , Alysha D. Pape , Adam J. McLane
Landscape Ecology 24 ( 2) 157 -170
Gregory J McDermid , Julia Linke , Alysha D Pape , David N Laskin
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 34 ( 5) 462 -466
Adam J McLane , Gregory J McDermid , Michael A Wulder
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 35 ( 3) 217 -229
Adam J McLane
Adam McLane , Greg McDermid , Jean Polfus , Mark Hebblewhite
Adam McLane
University of Calgary