D. Draper , J. Yackel , E.J. Stewart , A. Tivy
Routledge 89 -106
E.J. Stewart , A. Tivy , S.E.L. Howell , J. Dawson
Arctic 63 ( 1) 57 -66
E.J. Stewart , J. Dawson , S.E.L. Howell , M.E. Johnston
Polar Geography 36 142 -162
E. J. Stewart , S.E.L. Howell , D. Draper , J. Yackel
Arctic 60 ( 4) 370 -380
T. Geldsetzer , J.B. Mead , J.J. Yackel , R.K. Scharien
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 45 ( 11) 3405 -3416
S.E.L. Howell , J.J. Yackel , R. De Abreu , T. Geldsetzer
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 43 ( 6) 1338 -1350
L.C. Brown , S.E.L. Howell , J. Derksen , C.
Remote Sensing of Environment 147 65 -78
Émmanuel Devred , Martin Stendel , Susse Wegeberg , Pelle Tejsner
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)
Paul Kushner , Reinel Sospedra-Alfonso , Chris Derksen , Lawrence Mudryk
EGUGA 5042
Frédéric Laliberté , Stephen Howell , Jackie Dawson , Larissa Pizzolato
EGUGA 3338
Martin Stendel , Thomas Ingeman-Nielsen , Chris Derksen , Rasmus T. Tonboe
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) 39 -76
Malcolm Davidson , Suman Singha , Gunnar Spreen , Malin Johannsson
Usama Farooq , Wolfgang Rack , Adrian McDonald , Stephen Howell
Remote Sensing 12 ( 9) 1402
Olivia Mussells , Jackie Dawson , Stephen Howell
Arctic 69 ( 4) 421 -433
Matthew G. Asplin , Randall Scharien , Brent Else , Stephen Howell
Journal of Geophysical Research 119 ( 4) 2327 -2343
Blair Trewin , Anny Cazenave , Stephen Howell , Matthias Huss
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 102 ( 1) 20 -37
Vishnu Nandan , Torsten Geldsetzer , John Yackel , Mallik Mahmud
Geophysical Research Letters 44 ( 20)
Olivia Mussells , Jackie Dawson , Stephen Howell
Ocean & Coastal Management 137 57 -67
Tom Agnew , Stephen Howell
Atmosphere-ocean 41 ( 4) 317 -331
Adrienne Tivy , Bea Alt , Stephen Howell , Katherine Wilson
Weather and Forecasting 22 ( 5) 1063 -1075