Daniel Light , Nancy Ross , Babette Moeller , Han-hua Chang
Education Development Center, Inc., 96 Morton Street, New York, NY 10014; Tel: 212-807-4200; Fax: 212-633-8804; Web site: http://www.edc.org/cct/
Jillian Strauss , Luis Miranda-Moreno , Nancy Ross , Marianne Hatzopoulou
Transportation Research Board 91st Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board
Francine Mayer , Nancy Ross , Jean-Marie Berthelot , Russell Wilkins
Health Reports 13 ( 4) 49 -60
Nancy Ross
Health Reports 13 ( 3) 33 -39
Heather M. Orpana , David Feeny , Nancy Ross , Julie Bernier
Health Reports 20 ( 1) 29 -35
Nancy Ross
Ilan Levy , Jeff Brook , Nancy Ross , Mark Goldberg
Air Pollution and Health
Yves Decady , Michael Tjepkema , Philippe Finès , Claudia Sanmartin
Health Reports 27 ( 12) 10 -18
Nancy Ross
Qualitative Social Work 20 350 -355
James R. Dunn , Gerry Veenstra , Nancy Ross
Social Science & Medicine 62 ( 6) 1465 -1473
Ian Wanyeki , Sherry Olson , Paul Brassard , Dick Menzies
Social Science & Medicine 63 ( 2) 501 -511
Samantha Hajna , Nancy Ross , Kaberi Dasgupta
Canadian Journal of Diabetes 37
Kaberi Dasgupta , Nancy Ross , Rania Wasfi , Samantha Hajna
Canadian Journal of Diabetes 39
Samantha Hajna , Kaberi Dasgupta , Nancy Ross
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15 ( 10) 2079
Marie-Pier Veillette , Robbin Deboosere , Rania Wasfi , Nancy Ross
Transportation Research Record 2672 ( 8) 840 -848
Nancy Ross , Louise Pilote , Kaberi Dasgupta , Lawrence Joseph
Cardiovascular Diabetology 6 ( 1) 1 -11
Nancy Ross , Sue Bookchin
Gender in Management: An International Journal 35 ( 4) 391 -404
Sarah M Mah , Claudia Sanmartin , Mylene Riva , Kaberi Dasgupta
International Journal for Population Data Science 5 ( 5)
Nancy Ross , Lisa Oliver , Paul Villeneuve
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10 ( 4) 1378 -1391
John Lynch , Sam Harper , George Davey Smith , Nancy Ross
Demographic Research 2 ( 8) 183 -228