Achour Mahrane , Abderrezak Guenounou , Michel Aillerie , Ali Malek
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 6 ( 3) 498 -508
Alexandre Ruso , Nicolas Fressengeas , Michel Aillerie
IPSSO 2007 - International Workshop on Instabilities, Patterns and Spatial SOlitons
Michel Aillerie , Bachir Chikh-Bled , Sergey M Kostritskii , Edvard Kokanyan
EURODIM2010, 11th Europhysical Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials
Sergey Kostritskii , Michel Aillerie , Edvard Kokanyan
PMNM 2011, Conf. on Photonics and Micro and Nano-structured Materials
D.G. Zargaryan , Gagik Demirkhanyan , Mathieu Stoffel , Hervé Rinnert
Ninth international conference on Semiconductor, micro- and nano-electronics
Ninel Kokanyan , Michel Aillerie , Edvard Kokanyan , M.D. Fontana
ICDIM 2012, International conference on defects and insulating materials
Michel Aillerie , Sergey M Kostritskii , Bachir Chikh-Bled , Edvard Kokanyan
EMF 11, 12th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity
Ninel Kokanyan , Sergey Kostritskii , Michel Aillerie , Laura Vittadello
NAMES2016 : 4th French-Russia seminar New Achievements in Materials and Environmental Sciences
Michel Aillerie , Edvard Kokanyan , Hasmik Demirkhanyan
International Conference on Laser Physics 2011 17 ( 2) 43 -47
Sergey Kostritskii , Michel Aillerie , Laura Vittadello , Marco Bazzan
Laser Physics Conference dedicated to the International Year of Light
Sergey Kostritskii , Michel Aillerie , Edvard Kokanyan , Oleg Sevostyanov
NAMES2016 : 4th French-Russia seminar New Achievements in Materials and Environmental Sciences
L. Guilbert , Michel Aillerie , Jean-Paul Salvestrini , Patrice Bourson
Vèmes journées d'Optique et de Traitement de l'Information - Optique 2006
Asma Bedia , Fatima Zohra Bedia , Michel Aillerie , Nabila Maloufi
Theory and Computation in Sciences and Bio-Sciences, TCSBS 2014
Michel Aillerie , Michel Ferriol , Marianne Cochez , Nicolas Fressengeas
ICRESD'07International Conference for Renewable Energies and Sustainable Development
Sergey Kostritskii , Michel Aillerie
International Symposium Fundamentals of Laser Assisted Micro- and Nanotechnologies, FLAMN-13
Ninel Kokanyan , Farid Abdi , Michel Aillerie , Anush Movsesyan
NAMES2016 : 4th French-Russia seminar New Achievements in Materials and Environmental Sciences
Alexandre Ruso , Nicolas Fressengeas , Michel Aillerie , Dragomir Neshev
OPTIQUE Grenoble 2007 COLOQ'10 – JNOG
Marianne Cochez , Michel Ferriol , Nicolas Fressengeas , Michel Aillerie
Vèmes journées d'Optique et de Traitement de l'Information - Optique 2006
Marianne Cochez , Farah Assi , M. Ferriol , Michel Aillerie
40ème Journées d’Etude des Equilibres entre Phases JEEP 2014
Jihad Sidawi , Michel Aillerie , Jean Zaraket , Chafic-Thomas Salame
Journées Franco-Libanaises 2015 « La Recherche au Service de la Communauté” Université Libanaise