Exploring the role of relationship variables in predicting customer voice to a service worker

Liliana L Bove , Nichola L Robertson
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 12 ( 2) 83 -97

Seeking straight answers : consumer decision-making in telecommunications

Lisa McQuilken , Paul Harrison , Nichola Robertson , Kathryn Chalmers
[Deakin University]

Gender Differences in a Modified Perceived Value Construct for Intangible Products

Nichola Robertson , John Hall , Mike Shaw , Jenni Lascheit
Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC 2000): Visionary Marketing for the 21st Century: Facing the Challenge 457 -462

The need to vent and dissatisfactory self-service technology encounters

Nichola Robertson , Robin Shaw
Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy. Conference (2004 : Victoria University of Wellington)

The dimensions of self-service technologies and the relation to 'self'

Nichola Robertson , Robin Shaw
Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. Conference (2002 : Melbourne, Vic.) 3161 -3167

There's a fly in my soup : the influence of service guarantees and personal requests on customer voice

Lisa McQuilken , Nichola Robertson
ANZMAC 2010 : Doing more with less : Proceedings of the 2010 Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 1 -9

Consumer complaint behaviour and relationship marketing: a research agenda

Nichola Robertson , Robin Shaw
Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (2001 : Auckland, New Zealand) 1 -8

Self-service technologies and voice intentions : an empirical investigation

Nichola Robertson , Robin Shaw
Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy. Conference (2007 : University of Otago) 2655 -2663

Conceptualising levels of customer relational outcomes within social media

Lisa McQuilken , Nichola Robertson , Wayne Read
ANZMAC 2011 : conference proceedings : Marketing in the Age of Consumerism : Jekyll or Hyde? 1 -10

Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Satisfaction with Interactive Voice Response

Nichola Robertson , Heath McDonald
Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. Conference (2009 : Melbourne, Vic.)

Consumer complaint channel choice in self-service technology encounters

Nichola Robertson , Robin Shaw
Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (2006 : Brisbane, Queensland) 1 -7

Consumer dissatisfaction with self-service technologies : an empirical exploration of its antecedents

Nichola Robertson , Robin Shaw
GBATA 2008 : Global Business and Technology Association Tenth International Conference 923 -930

Revisiting the typology of complaining behaviour: the context of self-service technologies

Nichola Robertson , Robin Shaw
Flexible marketing in an unpredictable world : proceedings of the 36th EMAC conference held 22-25 May 2007, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Conceptualising the effect of self-service technologies on established brands

Nichola Robertson , Julian Vieceli
Reflective marketing in a material world, the Academy of Marketing Annual Conference (AM 2008), Aberdeen, Scotland, 08-10 July 2008 1 -11

e-Word of mouth : the role of e-service guarantees and e-recovery

Nichola Robertson , Jay Kandampully
QUIS 2009 : Proceedings of the eleventh International Conference in Services

Emotional and rational homepage content : separate dimensions rather than a continuum

Michael Jay Polonsky , Nichola Robertson , Manirujjaman
ANZMAC 2010 : Doing more with less : Proceedings of the 2010 Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference

A conceptual alignment of relationship marketing and consumer complaint behavior: the moderating role of technology in consumer-service provider relationships

Nichola Robertson , Robin Shaw
International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing (9th : 2001, Montreal, Canada) 69 -87

Customer citizenship behaviours : towards the development of a typology.

Liliana Bove , Simon Pervan , Nichola Robertson
ANZMAC 2003 : a celebrations of Ehrenberg and Bass : marketing discoveries, knowledge and contribution, conference proceedings 331 -338

A novel romance : conceptualising emotional attachment as a barrier to adoption

Lisa McQuilken , Nichola Robertson , Wayne Read
ANZMAC 2010 : Doing more with less : Proceedings of the 2010 Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 1 -8