K. Magahy , T. Cowen , F. Stella , K Strauss
Equality Network, BEMIS and GRAMNet
K Strauss
Planning 63 ( 10)
D Featherstone , A Cumbers , D Mackinnon , K Strauss
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 37 ( 2) 177 -182
P Walker , J Mihaelson , K Strauss , K Trebeck
Oxford: Oxfam GB
GL Clark , R Duran-Fernandez , K Strauss
Journal of Economic Geography 10 ( 3) 331 -359
J MacLeavy , S Roberts , K Strauss
Andrew Cumbers , Danny MacKinnon , Anthony Ince , David Featherstone
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Kendra Strauss
QJB: Querelles. Jahrbuch für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung 16
Dave Lomas , Gene Vrana , Kendra Strauss , Robin Folvik
Kendra Strauss , Katie Meehan
University of Georgia Press
Feng Xu , Kendra Strauss
Working in the Context of Austerity 131 -150
Janelle Knox-Hayes , Janelle Knox-Hayes , Kendra Strauss , Gordon L. Clark
OUP Catalogue
Siobhán McGrath , Kendra Strauss
van der Pijl, Kees (Eds.). (2015). Handbook of the international political economy of production. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 299-317, Handbooks of research on international political economy 299 -317
David Featherstone , Anthony Ince , Danny Mackinnon , Kendra Strauss
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 37 ( 2) 177 -182
Kendra Strauss
Edward Elgar Publishing
David Featherstone , Kendra Strauss , Danny MacKinnon
Space and Polity 19 ( 1) 1 -11
Kendra Strauss
Antipode 45 ( 1) 180 -197
Kendra Strauss
Antipode 41 ( 1) 10 -14
Kendra Strauss
American Behavioral Scientist 55 ( 7) 902 -919
Julie MacLeavy , Susan Roberts , Kendra Strauss
Environment and Planning A 48 ( 10) 2067 -2071