Skiing, birds and biodiversity in the Alps

A. Rolando , D.E. Chamberlain , E. Caprio
Ecology and conservation of birds in upland and alpine habitats The BOU's 2014 annual spring conference 1 -3

Habitat use of Cuckoos Cuculus canorus: An analysis of satellitetagged birds in a key stopover area

N. Del Carro , D.E. Chamberlain , C. Hewson , E. Caprio
European Ornithologists' Union Conference 2015 398 -398

Habitat associations of breeding Meadow Pipits Anthus pratensis in the British uplands

D.P. Vanhinsberg , D.E. Chamberlain
Bird Study 48 ( 2) 159 -172

A comparison of farmland bird density and species richness in lowland England between two periods of contrasting agricultural practice

D.E. Chamberlain , R.J. Fuller , D.G. Garthwaite , A.J. Impey
Bird Study 48 ( 2) 245 -251

Determinants of bird species richness in public green spaces

D.E. Chamberlain , S. Gough , H. Vaughan , J.A. Vickery
Bird Study 54 ( 1) 87 -97

The effects of GMHT crops on bird abundance in arable fields in the UK

D.E. Chamberlain , S.N. Freeman , J.A. Vickery
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 118 ( 1) 350 -356

Effects of habitat type and management on the abundance of skylarks in the breeding season

D.E. Chamberlain , A.M. Wilson , S.J. Browne , J.A. Vickery
Journal of Applied Ecology 36 ( 6) 856 -870

A comparison of bird populations on organic and conventional farm systems in southern Britain

D.E. Chamberlain , J.D. Wilson , R.J. Fuller
Biological Conservation 88 ( 3) 307 -320

Broadleaved woodland restoration in West Sussex using Geographical Information Systems.

S. E. McKenzie , A. Wilson , D. Chamberlain
Avian landscape ecology: pure and applied issues in the large-scale ecology of birds. Proceedings of the eleventh annual IALE(UK) conference, University of East Anglia, UK, 10-13 September 2002. 68 -72

Predictions of Lapwing Vanellus vanellus habitat occupancy using rule-based models.

S. D. Langton , W. K. Parkin , J. D. Bishop , A. E. Riding
Avian landscape ecology: pure and applied issues in the large-scale ecology of birds. Proceedings of the eleventh annual IALE(UK) conference, University of East Anglia, UK, 10-13 September 2002. 322 -326

A new design for the arable landscape and its use by farmland passerines.

C. Stoate , D. Chamberlain , K. Murray , A. Wilson
Avian landscape ecology: pure and applied issues in the large-scale ecology of birds. Proceedings of the eleventh annual IALE(UK) conference, University of East Anglia, UK, 10-13 September 2002. 342 -345

Spatial variation in densities of farmland birds in relation to pesticide use and avian food resources.

G. R. Potts , J. A. Ewald , N. J. Aebischer , D. Chamberlain
Avian landscape ecology: pure and applied issues in the large-scale ecology of birds. Proceedings of the eleventh annual IALE(UK) conference, University of East Anglia, UK, 10-13 September 2002. 305 -312

Random draw models that incorporate local recruitment predict local avian species richness.

A. M. Dolman , D. Chamberlain , A. Wilson , T. M. Blackburn
Avian landscape ecology: pure and applied issues in the large-scale ecology of birds. Proceedings of the eleventh annual IALE(UK) conference, University of East Anglia, UK, 10-13 September 2002. 193 -197

Determinants of Whitethroat Sylvia communis distribution in different agricultural landscapes.

M. A. Eaton , C. Stoate , D. Chamberlain , R. B. Bradbury
Avian landscape ecology: pure and applied issues in the large-scale ecology of birds. Proceedings of the eleventh annual IALE(UK) conference, University of East Anglia, UK, 10-13 September 2002 300 -304

Effects of forest fragmentation on breeding bird populations: conflicting views from North America.

A. Wilson , D. Chamberlain , R. Sallabanks
Avian landscape ecology: pure and applied issues in the large-scale ecology of birds. Proceedings of the eleventh annual IALE(UK) conference, University of East Anglia, UK, 10-13 September 2002. 3 -14

The quality of small woods for the European Nuthatch Sitta europaea.

D. Chamberlain , A. Wilson , A. G. M. Schotman
Avian landscape ecology: pure and applied issues in the large-scale ecology of birds. Proceedings of the eleventh annual IALE(UK) conference, University of East Anglia, UK, 10-13 September 2002. 73 -80

Permanent and temporary linear habitats as food sources for the young of farmland birds.

D. Chamberlain , A. Wilson , S. J. Moreby
Avian landscape ecology: pure and applied issues in the large-scale ecology of birds. Proceedings of the eleventh annual IALE(UK) conference, University of East Anglia, UK, 10-13 September 2002 327 -332

Predicting the distribution of Golden Plovers Pluvialis apricaria at two spatial scales.

A. Wilson , G. M. Buchanan , D. Chamberlain , J. W. Pearce-Higgins
Avian landscape ecology: pure and applied issues in the large-scale ecology of birds. Proceedings of the eleventh annual IALE(UK) conference, University of East Anglia, UK, 10-13 September 2002. 118 -125