Target Encounters alter Levy Search Characteristics

G.M. Hengeveld , F. van Langevelde , H.H.T. Prins
Moving to Eat, optimal foraging and environmental heterogeneity 37 -46

Modelling the impacts of Forest Management Alternatives on recreational values in Europe

G.M. Hengeveld , M.P. Didion , M. Marzano , D. Edwards
Forest Research

Search Efficiency and General Assumptions in Random Search Models

G.M. Hengeveld , F. van Langevelde , F. Bartumeus , H.H.T. Prins
Moving to Eat, optimal foraging and environmental heterogeneity 25 -36

A spatial assessment of ecosystem services in Europe: Methods, case studies and policy analysis - phase 1

O. Ratamäki , L. Kopperoinen , K. Jax , G.M. Hengeveld
Ispra: Partnership for European Environmental Research

ASiMoPh – Agent-based Simulation of Microbial Phyllosphere Colonization

J.H.J. Leveau , K. Meyer , M.N.P. Remus-Emserman , G.M. Hengeveld
The Ecology of Bacterial Individuality 71 -82

Greenhouse gas reporting for the LULUCF sector in the Netherlands

E.J.M.M. Arets , G.M. Hengeveld , P.J. Kuikman , M. Schelhaas
Statutory Research Tasks Unit for Nature & the Environment (WOT Natuur & Milieu)

Infrastructuur agromilieu. Tussenrapportage WOT-04-008-022

EJMM Arets , APPM Clerkx , GM Hengeveld , IJJ van den Wyngaert
Wettelijke Onderzoekstaken Natuur en Milieu

Predictive model - initialisation (stand, soil, climate, soil, management, genetics)

G.M. Hengeveld , K. Kramer , M. Schelhaas , D.C. van der Werf

Search Movements of Doves are not Affected by Detection Radius and Resource density

G.M. Hengeveld , C.P.H. Elemans , F. van Langevelde , J.J.A. Dekker
Moving to Eat, optimal foraging and environmental heterogeneity 47 -58

Manual for the European Forest Information Scenario model (EFISCEN 4.1)

G.M. Hengeveld , M. Lindner , P.J. Verkerk , S. Zudin
European Forest Institute

Bosbeheer en klimaatverandering : resulaten van LANDCLIM-simulaties voor Zuidoost-Veluwe

G.M. Hengeveld , M.P. Didion , M. Schelhaas , A.P.P.M. Clerkx
Alterra, Wageningen-UR

European forests: facing the challenges of the coming 50 years

G.M. Hengeveld , M. Lindner , H. Verkerk , G.J. Nabuurs
Proceedings of the XXIV IUFRO World Congress: sustaining forests, sustaining people: the role of research 8 -8

How fast can European forests adapt to climate change

G.M. Hengeveld , C. Reyer , M. Hanewinkel , M. Schelhaas
Proceedings of the XXIV IUFRO World Congress: Sustaining forests, sustaining people: the role of research 219 -219

Future Role Of Plantations In Europe

G.M. Hengeveld , G.J. Nabuurs , M. Schelhaas
Proceedings of the XXIV IUFRO World Congress: sustaining forests, sustaining people: the role of research 306 -306

A Risk Assessment Model on Pine Wood Nematode in the EU

G.M. Hengeveld , C. Robinet , T. Soliman , Wopke van der Werf
2011 International Congress, August 30-September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland

European forest carbon balance assessed with inventory based methods - An introduction to a special section

G.J. Nabuurs , G.M. Hengeveld , D.C. van der Werf , A.H. Heidema
Forest Ecology and Management 260 ( 3) 239 -240

Boseigendom in Twente en Salland : resultaten van een enquête onder kleine boseigenaren in Twente en Salland

A.P.P.M. Clerkx , , G.M. Hengeveld , M. Schelhaas
Alterra, Wageningen-UR

Patch density determines movement patterns and foraging efficiency of large herbivores

H.J. de Knegt , G.M. Hengeveld , F. van Langevelde , W.F. de Boer
Behavioral Ecology 18 ( 6) 1065 -1072

Greenhouse gas reporting for the LULUCFsector in the Netherlands : methodological background, update 2020

E.J.M.M. Arets , , J.W.H. van der Kolk , G.M. Hengeveld
Statutory Research Tasks Unit for Nature & the Environment