Kevin Edson Jones
Canadian Journal of Sociology 25 ( 3) 311 -341
Kevin Edson Jones
Routledge 171 -198
Kevin Edson Jones , Michael Granzow , Rob Shields
Urban Studies 56 ( 4) 705 -721
Kevin Edson Jones , Debra J. Davidson
Food Policy 49 250 -258
Kevin Edson Jones
Smpte Journal
Kristof Van Assche , Leith Deacon , Monica Gruezmacher , Robert J Summers
Kevin Edson Jones , Alan Irwin , Michael Farrelly , Jack Stilgoe
Science 12 ( 1) 1 -54
Kevin Edson Jones , Alex Lord , Rob Shields
McGill-Queen's Press-MQUP 251 -251
Kevin Edson Jones
Brunel University
Kevin Edson Jones , Alan Irwin , Michael Farrelly , Jack Stilgoe
Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (UK)
Kristof Van Assche , John Parkins , Kevin Jones , Lars Hallstrom
Research Papers in Economics
Kristof VanAssche , Leith Deacon , Monica Gruezmacher , Robert Summers
University of Alberta 234 -234
Jack Stilgoe , Alan Irwin , Kevin Jones , Demos (Organization: London
Demos (2006)
Kristof Van Assche , Raoul Beunen , Monica Gruezmacher , Martijn Duineveld
Journal of Organizational Change Management 34 ( 4) 729 -746
Tammy Crouse , Debbie Hildreth , Kevin Jones
The Alabama Journal of Educational Leadership 10
Tammy Crouse , Debbie Hildreth , Kevin Jones
Alabama Journal of Educational Leadership 10 1 -12
Arththi Sathananthar , Vic Clarke , Kevin Jones
Kevin E. Jones
Canadian Journal of Sociology-cahiers Canadiens De Sociologie 26 ( 4) 655 -666
Debra J. Davidson , Kevin E. Jones , John R. Parkins
Agriculture and Human Values 33 ( 2) 359 -371
Michael Granzow , Kevin E. Jones
Local Environment 25 ( 5) 381 -396