Hill Walker , Bruce Stiller
Annemieke Golly , Jeffrey Sprague , Hill Walker , Dale R. Myers
Education and Treatment of Children 24 ( 4) 495 -511
Stevan J. Kukic , Hill Walker
Robert Sylwester , Hill Walker
Educational Leadership 49 ( 1) 14 -16
Jeffrey Sprague , Hill Walker , Tod Schneider
Ed Feil , Jon Lee , Andy J. Frey , Jason W. Small
Grantee Submission
B. Walker , H.M. , Feil , E.G.
Grantee Submission 3 ( 1) 89 -109
Edward G. Feil , Hill Walker , Herbert Severson , Annemieke Golly
NHSA DIALOG 12 ( 2) 88 -103
Jeffrey Sprague , George Sugai , Hill Walker
Springer, Boston, MA 451 -474
Russell Gersten , Hill Walker , Craig Darch
Exceptional Children 54 ( 5) 433 -438
Jeffrey Sprague , Hill Walker
Exceptional Children 66 ( 3) 367 -379
Edward G. Feil , Hill Walker , Herbert Severson , Alison Ball
Behavioral Disorders 26 ( 1) 13 -25
Annemieke Golly , Jeffrey Sprague , Hill Walker , Kelli Beard
Behavioral Disorders 25 ( 3) 170 -182
Hill Walker , Geoff Colvin , Elizabeth Ramsey
Behavioral Disorders 21 ( 3) 253 -255
Yamalis Diaz , Laura A Knight , Andrea Chronis-Tuscano , Michael S North
Michael L Wehmeyer , Brian Abery , Dalun Zhang , Karen Ward
Personal self-determination and moderating variables that impact efforts to promote selfdetermination. Recuperado de: gsd. org/news/personal-self-determination-andmoderating-variables-impact-efforts-promote-self-determination
Ansley Bacon , Hill Walker , Allen Schwartz , David O’Hara
Claudia G Vincent , Hill Walker , Dorothy L Espelage , Christopher Murray
NASSP bulletin 106 ( 2) 154 -176
Claudia G Vincent , Hill Walker , Dorothy L Espelage , Alberto Valido
NASSP Bulletin 106 ( 4) 339 -363
Claudia G Vincent , Hill Walker , Dorothy Espelage , Brion Marquez
Grantee Submission