V. Mazzucato , A.D. Lompo , D. Niemeijer , A.Y. Thiombiano
SPS Document de projet No. 55, Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands (1998).
V. Mazzucato
University of Oxford
V. Mazzucato
Migration and development within and across borders: Research and policy perspectives on internal and international migration 69 -100
V. Mazzucato
Migrant Remittances 4 ( 3) 4 -5
V. Mazzucato
Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor 5 ( 1) 3 -5
V. Mazzucato , D. Niemeijer
PLA notes 26 29 -33
V. Mazzucato
Global Migration Perspectives Series ( 48)
V. Mazzucato , G.J.M. van den Boom , N.N. Nsowah Nuamah
At home in the world? International migration and development in contemporary Ghana and West Africa 139 -152
V. Mazzucato , D. Niemeijer
Soil fertility management in West African land use systems. Renard, G., Neef, A., Becker, K., Oppen, M. von (eds.) Margraf Verlag, Weikersheim. Germany (1998) 495-504 495 -504
V. Mazzucato , D. Niemeijer
Document de projet / Amenagement et Gestion de l' Espace Sylvo-Pastoral au Sahel ( 38)
V. Mazzucato , L.. Smith
Afriche e Orienti 6 168 -185
V. Mazzucato , D. Niemeijer
Issue paper ( 101)
M.L.B. Chelpi-den Hamer , V. Mazzucato
A'dam inst. for Metro. & intern. develop. Studies
V. Mazzucato , D. Niemeijer
V. Mazzucato
Generations in Africa: Connections and Conflicts ( 33) 111 -133
V. Mazzucato
Migrantenstudies 20 ( 4) 177 -193
V. Mazzucato
Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-being Research 749 -755
V. Mazzucato , D. Niemeijer
Agro-silvo-pastoral land use in Sahelian villages ( 33) 145 -156
V. Mazzucato , D. Niemeijer
Rethinking soil and water conservation in a changing society: a case study in Burkina Faso.
V. Mazzucato , D. Niemeijer
Dossier No. 101