N. McGehee , S. L. Wearing
International volunteer tourism: integrating travellers and communities 128 -140
S. L. Wearing , N. McGehee
International volunteer tourism: integrating travellers and communities 116 -127
S. L. Wearing , N. McGehee
International volunteer tourism: integrating travellers and communities 84 -104
S. L. Wearing , N. McGehee
International volunteer tourism: integrating travellers and communities 39 -48
The Environmentalist 18 ( 4) 239 -249
Tourism Development Revisited 132 -132
Stephen Wearing , Rosemary Black , Sandra Sun-Ah Ponting
Annual Conference of the Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education 1144
Stephen Wearing , Amy Louise Bott , Simone Grabowski
Australasian parks and leisure 13 ( 4) 30 -34
Stephen Wearing , Tamara Young , Deborah Stevenson
Stephen Wearing , Simone Grabowski , Paul Chatterton , Jess Ponting
Pacific Economic Bulletin, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2009
Amy Reggers , Stephen Wearing , Stephen Schweinsberg
Journal of park and recreation administration 31 ( 3)
Stephen Wearing , Kevin Lyons
Australasian parks and leisure 11 ( 3) 36 -38
Stephen Wearing , Heather Goodall , Jo Kijas , Dennis Byrne
Australasian parks and leisure 11 ( 2) 20 -29
Stephen Wearing , Matthew McDonald
Stephen Wearing , John Neil , Kelly Swan
Australasian parks and leisure 13 ( 3) 43 -47
Stephen Wearing
Australasian parks and leisure 11 ( 3) 325
Stephen Wearing
Australasian parks and leisure 11 ( 4) 29 -33
Stephen Wearing , Penny Davidson
CAUTHE 1997: Tourism research: Building a better industry; Proceedings from the Australian Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, 1997 589
Stephen Wearing , Simone Grabowski
CAUTHE 2010: Tourism and Hospitality: Challenge the Limits 535