Jun-Bo Yoon , Y.-K. Choi , J.O. Lee , B.C. Lee
2007 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show - NSTI Nanotech 2007 45 -48
Jeong-Oen Lee , Min-Wu Kim , Seung-Deok Ko , Jun-Bo Yoon
international conference on nanotechnology 258 -261
Byunghun Lee , Kang-Ho Lee , Jeong-Oen Lee , Mi-Jin Sohn
international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society 2010 6547 -6550
Jeong Oen Lee
progress in electromagnetic research symposium 3939 -3939
Daejong Yang , Jeong Oen Lee , Hyunjun Cho , Sukmo Koo
progress in electromagnetic research symposium 3936 -3936
Weon Wi Jang , Jeong Oen Lee , Hyun-Ho Yang , Jun-Bo Yoon
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 55 ( 10) 2785 -2789
Weon Wi Jang , O Deuk Kwon , Jeong Oen Lee , Jun-Bo Yoon
asian solid state circuits conference 256 -259
Jeong Oen Lee , Hyun-Ho Yang , Weon Wi Jang , Jun-Bo Yoon
international conference on micro electro mechanical systems 132 -135
David Sretavan , Hyuck Choo , Jeong Oen Lee , Mehmet Sencan
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57 ( 12) 6462 -6462
Jaeho Shim , kyungmook Kwon , Kyoungsik Yu , Kyunghan Choi
NanoKorea 2014
Radwanul H. Siddique , Hyuck Choo , Jeong Oen Lee , Vinayak Narasimhan
Jeongho Yeon , Young Jae Lee , Dong Eun Yoo , Kyoung Jong Yoo
Nano Letters 13 ( 9) 3978 -3984
Seung-Deok Ko , Jeong Oen Lee , Hyun-Ho Yang , Min-Wu Kim
Applied Physics Letters 99 ( 11) 113516
Weon Wi Jang , Jeong Oen Lee , Jun-Bo Yoon
TRANSDUCERS 2007 - 2007 International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference 2187 -2190
Radwanul H Siddique , Vinayak Narasimhan , Jeong Oen Lee , Shailabh Kumar
Nanoscale Imaging, Sensing, and Actuation for Biomedical Applications XVI 10891
Hyun-Ho Yang , Chang-Hoon Han , Jeong Oen Lee , Jun-Bo Yoon
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 24 ( 6) 065012
Vinayak Narasimhan , Jeong Oen Lee , Juan Du , Blaise Ndjamen
international conference on solid state sensors actuators and microsystems 387 -390
Jun-Bo Yoon , Yong-Hoon Yoon , Min-Ho Seo , Seung-Deok Ko
international conference on solid state sensors actuators and microsystems 171 -174
Jeong Oen Lee , Haeri Park , Oliver Chen , Ashwin Balakrishna
international conference on micro electro mechanical systems 210 -213
Hyunjun Cho , Ashwin Balakrishna , Yuan Ma , Jeong Oen Lee
international conference on micro electro mechanical systems 363 -366