A comparison of the monothermal and bithermal caloric tests

Stephen J O'Leary , Richard Dowell , Joanne Enticott
Journal of Vestibular Research-equilibrium & Orientation 13 113 -119

The effects of state of alertness on the vestibulo-ocular reflex in normal subjects using the vestibular rotational chair.

Joanne Enticott , F V Matta
Journal of Vestibular Research-equilibrium & Orientation 14 ( 5) 387 -391

The Collaborative Care Cluster Australia (CCCA) Project

Bronwyn Beovich , Leon Piterman , Jenny Rose Advocat , Peter Schattner
Monash University Publishing

A Framework to Support Advanced Nursing in General Practice: System Level: Division of General Practice/Medicare Local

Grant Mervyn Russell , Richard Lane , Nicholas Zwar , Lisa Gaye McKenna
The Australian National University

A mindfulness-based lifestyle program for people with Parkinson's disease: the importance of acceptance, social connectedness and support for self management.

Craig Stephen Hassed , Jenny Rose Advocat , Grant Mervyn Russell , Brooke Vandenberg
Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference 2013: Reflections, Intersections and Aspirations

Distress and mental health service rates by socio-economic and geographic measures: Australian and Canadian comparison

Joanne Enticott
Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute (APHCRI), The Australian National University.

Three charts on: why rates of mental illness aren’t going down despite higher spending

Graham Nicholas Meadows , Joanne Enticott , Sebastian Rosenberg ,

Evaluation of the After Hours Pilot for the South Eastern Melbourne Medicare Local

Jenny Rose Advocat , Grant Mervyn Russell , Shiva Vasi , Joanne Enticott
Southern Academic Primary Care Research Unit

Creating a digital Community of Practice

Justin Kenardy , Bianca Brijnath , Duncan Mortimer , Alex Collie
Australian Journal of Primary Health 26 ( 4)

Private Psychiatry as funded through medicare considered in terms of social equity

G Russell , Roger Gurr , Brett Inder , Graham Meadows
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 49 69 -69

Critical environmental and social determinants of mental health problems and their care

Graham Meadows , Anton Isaacs , Susie Burke , Joanne Enticott
Oxford University Press 30 -47

Information on Australian mental health and its mental health care system

Graham Nicholas Meadows , Joanne Enticott , Carol Harvey , Vera Morgan
Oxford University Press 158 -188

COVID-19 Is Not the Flu: Four Graphs From Four Countries.

Kim L Lavoie , Jacqueline Boyle , Simon L Bacon , Joanne Enticott
Frontiers in Public Health 9 628479 -628479

Post-vaccination healthcare attendance rate as a proxy measure for syndromic surveillance of adverse events following immunisation.

Allen C. Cheng , Jim Buttery , Jim Buttery , Joanne Enticott
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 45 ( 2) 101 -107

Tabletop Board Game Elements and Gamification Interventions for Health Behavior Change: Realist Review and Proposal of a Game Design Framework.

Daniel S Epstein , Christopher Barton , Joanne Enticott , Adam Zemski
JMIR serious games 9 ( 1)

Learning health systems using data to drive healthcare improvement and impact: a systematic review.

Helena Teede , Joanne Enticott , Alison Johnson
BMC Health Services Research 21 ( 1) 200 -200