Gerry Downey , D. O'Beirne , T. R. Gormley
FAST. Commission of the European Communities 1 -43
Gerry Downey , D. O'Beirne , T. R. Gormley
Farm & Food Research 17 132 -135
Gerry Downey
Nir News 6 ( 3) 18 -19
Gerry Downey
Nir News 7 ( 3) 7 -7
Gerry Downey
Nir News 11 ( 1) 9 -12
Gerard Downey Teagasc
Nir News 11 ( 6) 8 -9
Sónia Caetano , Bülent Üstün , Siobhán Hennessy , Johanna Smeyers-Verbeke
Journal of Chemometrics 21 324 -334
Hamid Abdollahi , Magnus Åberg , Ricardo Aguilar-Lopez , Yousef Akhlaghi
J. Chemometrics 27 431 -432
Biochemical Society Transactions 13 ( 2) 497 -497
Gerard Downey
Gerard Downey
J. Daniel Kelly , Gerard Downey
Declan J. Bolton , Gerard Downey , Aisling Meally
Patrick Ward , Tony Kenny , Gerard Downey , Eileen O'Neill
Andreas Vogt , T.Ronan Gormley , Gerard Downey , Joseph Somers
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 15 ( 2) 205 -215
Gerard Downey , John McElhinney , Tom Fearn
Applied Spectroscopy 54 ( 6) 894 -899
Gerard Downey , Paul Robert , Dominique Bertrand , Marie-Francoise Devaux
Journal of Chemometrics 3 ( 2) 397 -407
Dimitris Alexandrakis , Gerard Downey , Amalia G. M. Scannell
Sensing and Instrumentation for Food Quality and Safety 5 ( 2) 57 -62
Jasper Engel , Lionel Blanchet , Lutgarde M.C. Buydens , Gerard Downey
Talanta 99 426 -432
Francesco C. Stingo , Marina Vannucci , Gerard Downey
Statistica Sinica 22 ( 2) 465 -488