An empirical investigation of the distribution of travellers’ willingness-to-pay: A comparison between a parametric and nonparametric approach

Maliheh Tabasi , John M Rose , Andrea Pellegrini , Taha Hossein Rashidi
Transport Policy 146 312 -321

Empowering revealed preference survey with a supplementary stated preference survey: demonstration of willingness-to-pay estimation within a mode choice case

Maliheh Tabasi , Alireza Raei , Tim Hillel , Rico Krueger
Travel Behaviour and Society 33 100632 -100632

GPS-based smartphone integrated travel diary and time-use data collection: lessons learned and preliminary results

Maliheh Tabasi , Amarin Siripanich , Nazmul Arefin Khan , Joshua Auld
IATBR - 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Vienna

From Simple Labels to Time-Use Integrations: Supporting the Spectrum of Qualitative Travel Behavior Data

Jack Greenlee , Alireza Raei , Sebatian Barry , Maliheh Tabasi
Transportation Research Board annual meeting (TRB), Washington, USA

An Empirical Investigation of the Distribution of Travellers’ Willingness-to-pay: A Comparison between a Parametric and a Non-parametric Approach

Maliheh Tabasi , John M. Rose , Andrea Pellegrini , Taha Rashidi
Transportation Research Board annual meeting (TRB), Washington, USA

A joint SP-RP transport mode choice model for smartphone travel diary data

Maliheh Tabasi , Alireza Raei , Tim Hillel , Rico Krueger
16th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Montréal, Québec, Canada

A New Micro-simulation Multi-class On-street Parking Search Model

Maliheh Tabasi , Mahdi Samadzad
College of Civil Engineering, Engineering Faculty, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

A new micro-simulation multi-class on-street parking search model

Maliheh Tabasi , Mahdi Samadzad
18th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Tehran, Iran

The effect of parking availability on the propensity towards public transportation: a case study of a Tehran business district

Mahyar Razi , Mahdi Samadzad , Maliheh Tabasi
11th international congress on civil engineering, Tehran, Iran