Anomalous backscattered electron behavior of MoB and Mo{sub 5}SiB{sub 2} (T{sub 2}) phases in an as-cast Mo-B-Si alloy

J.H. Perepezko , J.H. Fournelle , C.A. Nunes
San Francisco Press, Inc., San Francisco, CA (United States)

The CaO-TiO{sub 2}-ZrO{sub 2} system at 1200 C and the solubilities of Hf and Gd in zirconolite

T.G. Nieh , D. Swenson , J.H. Fournelle
Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA (United States)

Thermobarometry and reconstructed chemical compositions of pyroxene-spinel symplectites: evidence for pre-existing garnet in Iherzolite xenoliths from Czech Neogene lavas

L.G. Medaris , J.H. Fournelle , E. Jelínek
International Kimberlite Conference: Extended Abstracts 6 ( 1) 371 -373

Characterization of phases in an as-cast Mo-B-Si alloy by WDS EPMA

C. A. Nunes , J.H. Fournelle , J.H. Perepezko
Proceedings, annual meeting, Electron Microscopy Society of America 54 518 -519

The CaO-TiO{sub 2}-ZrO{sub 2} system at 1,200{degree}C and the solubilities of Hf and Gd in zirconolite

D. Swenson , T.G. Nieh , J.H. Fournelle
Fall meeting of the Materials Research Society (MRS), Boston, MA (United States), 27 Nov - 1 Dec 1995

A younger Great Oxidation Event in the Huronian Supergroup of North America

H. Cui , K. Kitajima , J. Farquhar , M.G. Śliwiński
Astrobiology Science Conference 2017 (LPI Contrib. No. 1965), Mesa, Arizona, USA

The Legacy of Raimond Castaing: A Perspective at 60 Years

P Carpenter , E Vicenzi , R Gauvin , J Fournelle
Microscopy and Microanalysis 17 546 -547

An inter-laboratory comparison of EPMA analysis of alloy steel at low voltage

X Llovet , E Heikinheimo , A Núñez Galindo , C Merlet
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 32 ( 1) 012014

Low voltage EPMA: experiments on a new frontier in microanalysis - analytical lateral resolution

J Fournelle , H Cathey , P T Pinard , S Richter
microelectronics systems education 109 ( 1) 012003

SIMS relative sensitivity factors for Al/Mg in synthetic and Madagascar hibonite

GJ MacPherson , J Beckett , NT Kita , K Nagashima
Chemical Geology 617 121272

Room Temperature UVB Emission from InAlGaN Films

W Kong , AT Roberts , WY Jiao , J Fournelle

High Temperature Magmatic Vapor Deposition of Anhydrite Prior to the 15 June 1991 Eruption of Mount Pinatubo

RT Jakubowski , RT Jakubowski , J Fournelle , S Welch
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2001