Juergen Rummel , Yvonne Blum , Andre Seyfarth
autonome mobile systeme 89 -96
Juergen Rummel , Yvonne Blum , H Moritz Maus , Christian Rode
international conference on robotics and automation 5250 -5255
Yvonne Blum , Juergen Rummel , Andre Seyfarth
autonome mobile systeme 301 -307
Yvonne Blum , Hamid R. Vejdani , Aleksandra V. Birn-Jeffery , Christian M. Hubicki
PLoS ONE 9 ( 6) e100399
Yvonne Blum , Susanne W. Lipfert , Andre Seyfarth
Journal of Biomechanics 42 ( 14) 2400 -2405
Yvonne Blum , Aleksandra Birn-Jeffery , Monica A. Daley , Andre Seyfarth
Journal of Theoretical Biology 281 ( 1) 97 -106
H R Vejdani , Y Blum , M A Daley , J W Hurst
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 8 ( 4) 046006
Y Blum , S W Lipfert , J Rummel , A Seyfarth
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 5 ( 2) 026006
J Rummel , Y Blum , A Seyfarth
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 5 ( 4) 046004
R. Müller , A. V. Birn-Jeffery , Y. Blum
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 13 ( 122) 20160529
A. V. Birn-Jeffery , C. M. Hubicki , Y. Blum , D. Renjewski
The Journal of Experimental Biology 217 ( 21) 3786 -3796