Um algoritmo baseado em evolução diferencial para problemas de otimização estrutural multiobjetivo com restrições

D.E.C. Vargas , A.C.C. Lemonge , H.J.C. Barbosa , H.S. Bernardino
Revista Internacional De Metodos Numericos Para Calculo Y Diseno En Ingenieria 32 ( 2) 91 -99

A hybrid genetic algorithm for constrained optimization problems in mechanical engineering

H.S. Bernardino , H.J.C. Barbosa , A.C.C. Lemonge
congress on evolutionary computation 646 -653

A new hybrid AIS-GA for constrained optimization problems in mechanical engineering

Heder S Bernardino , Helio JC Barbosa , Afonso CC Lemonge , LG Fonseca
world congress on computational intelligence 1455 -1462

A Stochastic Rank-Based Ant System for Discrete Structural Optimization

LG Fonseca , Priscila VSZ Capriles , Helio JC Barbosa , Afonso CC Lemonge
2007 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium 68 -75

Variants of an adaptive penalty scheme for steady-state genetic algorithms in engineering optimization

Afonso CC Lemonge , Helio JC Barbosa , Heder S Bernardino ,
Engineering Computations 32 ( 8) 2182 -2215

Multi-objective structural optimization of spatial steel frames with column orientation and bracing system as design variables

Cláudio HB de Resende , Luiz F Martha , Afonso CC Lemonge , Patricia H Hallak
1 8 ( 4) 327 -327

Tri-objective optimization of 3d Steel Frames Considering Columns Ori-entation and Bracing System Configuration as Design Variables

Cláudio HB Resende , Afonso CC Lemonge ,
XLIV Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering 5 ( 05)

Tri-objective optimization of steel frames with the bracing system configuration as a design variable

Cláudio HB Resende , Afonso CC Lemonge , Patrícia H Hallak , José PG Carvalho
XLIII Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering 4 ( 04)

A Comparative analysis of structural optimization of spatial steel frames considering different bracing systems

Cláudio HB Resende , Afonso CC Lemonge , Patrıcia H Hallak , José PG Carvalho

Single and multi-objective optimization of spatial steel frame considering different bracing systems.

Cláudio HB Resende , Afonso CC Lemonge , Patrıcia H Hallak , José PG Carvalho

Multi-objective structural optimization for the automatic member grouping of truss structures using evolutionary algorithms

José Pedro G Carvalho , Dênis EC Vargas , Breno P Jacob , Beatriz SLP Lima
Computers & Structures 292 107230 -107230

A genetic algorithm for topology optimization of dome structures

Afonso CC Lemonge , Helio JC Barbosa , Leonardo G da Fonseca , ALGA Coutinho
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on engineering optimization EngOpt


Afonso CC Lemonge , Helio JC Barbosa , Alvaro LGA Coutinho , Carlos CH Borges
钢结构 4

Análise do algoritmo IWOA acoplado a uma técnica de penalização adaptativa em problemas de otimização com restrições aplicados a projetos de engenharia

Dênis EC Vargas , Afonso CC Lemonge , Elizabeth F Wanner
Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics 9 ( 1)

Preference-Based Whale Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Objective Struc-tural Optimization Problems Using Reference Points

Denis EC Vargas , Afonso CC Lemonge , Elizabeth F Wanner
XLIII Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering 4 ( 04)

A critical review of adaptive penalty techniques in evolutionary computation

Helio JC Barbosa , Afonso CC Lemonge , Heder S Bernardino ,
Evolutionary constrained optimization 1 -27

Differential evolution assisted by surrogate models for structural optimization problems

Eduardo Krempser , Heder S Bernardino , Helio JC Barbosa , Afonso CC Lemonge
Proceedings of the international conference on computational structures technology (CST) 49

Constraint handling in genetic algorithms via artificial immune systems

Heder S Bernardino , Helio JC Barbosa , Afonso CC Lemonge ,
Late-breaking paper at Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2006)

Comparing two constraint handling techniques in a binary-coded genetic algorithm for optimization problems

Helio JC Barbosa , Afonso CC Lemonge , Leonardo G Fonseca , Heder S Bernardino
Simulated Evolution and Learning: 8th International Conference, SEAL 2010, Kanpur, India, December 1-4, 2010. Proceedings 8 125 -134

On GA-AIS hybrids for constrained optimization problems in engineering

Heder S Bernardino , Helio JC Barbosa , Afonso CC Lemonge , Leonardo G Fonseca
Constraint-Handling in Evolutionary Optimization 167 -192