Estado nutricional de gestantes avaliado por três diferentes métodos de classificação antropométrica

Maria Inês Bezerra de Melo , Ariani Impieri de Souza , José Natal Figueiroa , José Eulálio Cabral-Filho
Revista De Nutricao-brazilian Journal of Nutrition 24 ( 4) 585 -592

Prevalence of anemia in children 6-59 months old in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil

Mônica M. Osório , Pedro I. C. Lira , Malaquias Batista-Filho , Ann Ashworth
Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica-pan American Journal of Public Health 10 ( 2) 101 -107

Food and nutritional surveillance in Brazil: background, objectives and approaches

Malaquias Batista-Filho , Anete Rissin
Cadernos De Saude Publica 9 99 -105

Accuracy of erythrogram and serum ferritin for the maternal anemia diagnosis (AMA): a phase 3 diagnostic study on prediction of the therapeutic responsiveness to oral iron in pregnancy

Cristiane Campello Bresani , Maria Cynthia Braga , Daniel Falcão Felisberto , Carlos Eduardo Lopes Tavares-de-Melo
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 13 ( 1) 13 -13

Research Article Advances in Nutrition and Food Science ANAFS-228

Cristiane Campello Bresani-Salvi , Cynthia Braga , Malaquias Batista-Filho

Vigilância alimentar e nutricional: antecedentes, objetivos e modalidades. A VAN no Brasil

Malaquias Batista-Filho , Anete Rissin
Cadernos de Saúde Pública 9 S99 -S105

Prevalencia de la anemia en niños de 6 a 59 meses en el estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

Mônica M Osório , Pedro IC Lira , Malaquias Batista-Filho
Rev Panam Salud Publica 10 ( 2) 101 -107

Nutritional status of pregnant women according to three different anthropometric classification methods

Maria Inês Bezerra de MELO , Ariani Impieri de SOUZA , Jose Natal Figueiroa , Jose Eulalio Cabral-Filho
Rev Nutr 24 ( 4) 585 -92

Prevalence of anaemia among pregnant women in two states of north-east Brazil.

A. Costa Salzano , C. L. De A. Calado , H. Flores , M. Batista Filho
Revista Brasileira de Pesquisas Medicas e Biologicas 13 211 -214

Center of Education and Nutrition Recuperation. 1st experience

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Epidemiology of vitamin A deficiency in northeastern Brazil

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Boletín de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana. Pan American Sanitary Bureau 120 ( 6) 525

[Serum retinol in pregnant women attended in public health services (author's transl)].

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Revista brasileira de pesquisas medicas e biologicas 6 ( 5) 229

[Protein-calorie malnutrition in 3 Brazilian cities: São Luís, Recife and São Paolo].

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Boletín de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana. Pan American Sanitary Bureau 90 ( 1) 48 -58

[Anemia in pregnant women at 2 health centers of the city of Recife, PE].

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Revista brasileira de malariologia e doenças tropicais. Publicações avulsas 36 1 -10

Plasma retinol levels of preschool children in the sugar-cane area of northeast Brazil.

A. C. Salzano , M. O. Bazante , F. S. Gomes , M. Batista
Arch. latinoamer. Nutricion 20 445 -451

Pleural effusion — What do we find in internal medicine

P. Lavado , V. Sabino , M. Batista , T. Vasconcelos
European Journal of Internal Medicine 24

[Nutritional status of children under 6, according to land tenure, in rural areas of the State of Pernambuco, Northeast of Brazil].

P.I Lira , H.A Cartagena , M Batista-filho , M.A Torres
Archivos Latinoamericanos De Nutricion 35 ( 2) 247 -257

Time trends in anemia and associated factors in two age groups (6-23 and 24-59 months) in Pernambuco State, Brazil, 1997-2006

Luciana Pedrosa Leal , Mônica Maria Osório , Priscila Nunes de Vasconcelos , Débora Silva Cavalcanti
Cadernos De Saude Publica 30 ( 8) 1777 -1787

Food and toys.

Mariana Navarro Tavares de Melo , Malaquias Batista Filho
Cadernos De Saude Publica 29 ( 1) 10 -12