Abby Mellick Lopes
EVAA 2016: Abstracts of the Electronic Visualisation and the Arts Australasia Conference, 5-6 March 2016, University of Canberra
Alison Gill , Abby Mellick Lopes
Proceedings of the International Conference 2011 of the DRS Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge, EKSIG 2011: SkinDeep: Experiential Knowledge & Multi Sensory Communication: 23-24 June 2011, the Unviersity for the Creative Arts, Farnham, Surrey, U.K.
Jonathon Allen , Abby Mellick Lopes , Tara Andrews
Industrial Design Educators Network Journal 1 ( 1) 19 -26
Abby Mellick Lopes
Mariano Ramirez , Selena Griffith , Cheryl Campbell , Greg Campbell
ConnectED 2010: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Design Education, 28 June - 1 July 2010, University of New South Wales, Australia
Hilary Bambrick , Donna G Craig , Stuart Campbell , Jonathon Allen
Building Sustainable Rural Futures : the Added Value of Systems Approaches in Times of Change and Uncertainty : 9th European IFSA Symposium, 4-7 July 2010 in Vienna, Austria : Proceedings 1357 -1367
Alison Gill , Abby Mellick Lopes
J. of Design Research
Dena Fam , Abby Mellick Lopes
ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 14 ( 3) 751 -764
Abby Mellick Lopes
DS 46: Proceedings of E&PDE 2008, the 10th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Barcelona, Spain, 04.-05.09.2008 132 -137
Alison Gill , Abby Mellick Lopes
Digital Humanities 2015, Western Sydney University, Parramatta Campus, Sydney, Australia, June 29 - July 3 2015
Helen Armstrong , Louise Crabtree , Katherine Gibson , Abby Mellick Lopes
Dena Fam , Jennifer Williams , Abby Mellick Lopes
Routledge 179 -195
Abby Mellick Lopes , Katherine Gibson , Louise Crabtree-Hayes , Helen Armstrong
Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, 14-17th December 2016, University of Sydney, Australia
Zoe Sofoulis , Abby Mellick Lopes , Rachael Wakefield-Rann , Yinghua Yu
Alison Gill , Abby Mellick Lopes
Minor Culture: Conference of the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia: Presentations, November 30 - December 3, 2015, School of Culture and Communication, The University of Melbourne
Dena Fam , Abby Mellick Lopes
Feral Experimental Symposium & Workshop Program: New Design Thinking, 20-22 August 2014, UNSW Galleries, UNSW Australia Art & Design, Sydney 8
Abby Mellick Lopes
Arena journal 172
Helen Armstrong , Louise Crabtree , Stephen Healy , Cameron Tonkinwise
Stephen Healy , Abby Mellick Lopes
Routledge 97 -115
Alison Gill , Abby Mellick Lopes
Design and Culture 3 ( 3) 307 -327