I. Ebels , D.H.G. Versteeg , J.F.G. Vliegenthart
Proceedings KNAW ( 3) 127 -130
P. Schotman , D. de Wied , D.H.G. Versteeg , W.H. Gispen
Advances in biochemical psychopharmacology 6 219 -239
D.H.G. Versteeg , J.F.G. Vliegenthart
Journal of Endocrinology 37 10 -11
J.F.G. Vliegenthart , D.H.G. Versteeg
Proceedings KNAW ( 3) 131 -140
D.H.G. Versteeg , W.H. Gispen , A. Witter , P. Schotman
Chemisch Weekblad 69 ( 4) 14 -15
A.B.A. Kroese , A.H. Mulder , W.J. Florijn , D.H.G. Versteeg
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M. Palkovits , Éva Mezey , L. Záborszky , Andrea Feminger
Neuroscience Letters 18 ( 3) 237 -243
Tj.B.van Wimersma Greidanus , B. Bohus , G.L. Kovács , D.H.G. Versteeg
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 7 ( 4) 453 -463
M. Van Den Buuse , D.H.G. Versteeg , W. De Jong
Developmental Brain Research 19 ( 1) 135 -138
J.C. Meijer , R.J.M. Croughs , A. Rijnberk , D.H.G. Versteeg
Neuroendocrinology 32 ( 4) 197 -201
P. Van Bergen , D.H.G. Versteeg , D.J. De Wildt
Neuropeptides 26 67
J. Borrell , E.R. De Kloet , D.H.G. Versteeg , B. Bohus
Behavioral and Neural Biology 39 ( 2) 241 -258
G.A. Hedge , J.M. Van Ree , D.H.G. Versteeg
Neuroendocrinology 21 ( 3) 236 -246
J.M. Van Ree , D.H.G. Versteeg , W.B. Spaapen-Kok , D. de Wied
Neuroendocrinology 22 ( 4) 305 -317
G.L. Kovács , B. Bohus , D.H.G. Versteeg , G. Telegdy
CNS Pharmacology Neuropeptides#R##N#Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Pharmacology, Tokyo, 1981 175 -187
E.R. De Kloet , G.L. Kova´cs , G. Szabo´ , G. Telegdy
Brain Research 239 ( 2) 659 -663
D.H.G. Versteeg , A. Witter
Biochemical Factors Concerned in the Functional Activity of the Nervous System#R##N#First International Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry, Strasbourg, 1967 209
A. Witter , D.H.G. Versteeg
Biochemical Factors Concerned in the Functional Activity of the Nervous System#R##N#First International Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry, Strasbourg, 1967 219
D.H.G. Versteeg , T. Csikós
European Journal of Pharmacology 183 ( 2) 408